- 2024年
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Li A, Ling L, Qin H, Arabi YM, Myatra SN, Egi M, Kim JH, Nor MBM, Son DN, Fang WF, Wahyuprajitno B, Hashmi M, Faruq MO, Patjanasoontorn B, Al Bahrani MJ, Shrestha BR, Shrestha U, Nafees KMK, Sann KK, Palo JEM, Mendsaikhan N, Konkayev A, Detleuxay K, Chan YH, Du B, Divatia JV, Koh Y, Phua J; MOSAICS II Study Group; Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group
Prognostic evaluation of quick sequential organ failure assessment score in ICU patients with sepsis across different income settings
Crit Care. 2024 Jan 23;28(1):30.
Nabatame M, Takeuchi M, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Association between sedation during spinal anesthesia and mortality in older patients undergoing hip fracture surgery: A nationwide retrospective cohort study in Japan
J Clin Anesth. 2024 Feb;92:111322.
Taka H, Douguchi T, Miyamoto A, Shimizu K, Kimura S, Iwasaki T, Kanazawa T, Morimatsu H
Modified del Nido cardioplegia is associated with low incidence of low main strong ion difference and hyperchloremia in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery
J Anesth. 2024 Apr;38(2):244-253.
Kawata M, Yonezawa A, Mineharu Y, Itohara K, Mizota T, Matsui Y, Kikuchi T, Yamao Y, Hattori EY, Hamada M, Hira D, Furukawa K, Miyamoto S, Terada T, Matsubara K, Arakawa Y
Development of extended pharmacokinetic models for propofol based on measured blood and brain concentrations
Sci Rep. 2024 Mar 15;14(1):6326.
Tanaka A, Yatabe T, Suhara T, Egi M
The optimal glycemic target in critically ill patients: an updated network meta-analysis
J Intensive Care. 2024 Apr 14;12(1):14.
Kubo K, Sakuraya M, Sugimoto H, Takahashi N, Kano KI, Yoshimura J, Egi M, Kondo Y
Benefits and Harms of Procalcitonin- or C-Reactive Protein-Guided Antimicrobial Discontinuation in Critically Ill Adults With Sepsis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis
Crit Care Med. 2024 Jul 1.
Mizota T, Hamada M, Hirotsu A, Dong L, Matsukawa S, Takeda C, Egi M
Preoperative forced expiratory volume in one second and postoperative respiratory outcomes in nonpulmonary and noncardiac surgery: a retrospective cohort study
JA Clin Rep. 2024 Jul 25;10(1):44.
Katayama A, Kimura S, Matsusaki T, Morimatsu H
Effect of Recipient Age on Perioperative Complications after Pediatric Liver Transplantation: A Single-Center Retrospective Study
Acta Med Okayama. 2024 Aug;78(4):323-330.
Taka H, Douguchi T, Miyamoto A, Shimizu K, Iwasaki T, Kanazawa T, Kimura S, Morimatsu H
Oxygen Delivery During Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Pediatric Patients With Congenital Heart Disease: Association With Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2024 Nov 19:S1053-0770(24)00915-7.
臨床麻酔. 2024;48(臨時増刊):262-275.
日本集中治療医学会 2022年度・2023年度ダイバーシティ委員会(含 筆頭著者 武田親宗)
日集中医誌. 2024;31:159-66.
Hashimoto K, Matsumoto T, Mizota T, Kai S, Egi M
Remimazolam in perioperative management of Eisenmenger syndrome: a case report
JA Clin Rep. 2024 Feb 2;10(1):7.
Morimoto K, Tatsumi K, Chigusa Y, Komatsu M, Egi M, Mandai M, Mogami H.
Uneventful vaginal delivery using epidural anesthesia in patient with exercise induced anaphylaxis: a case report and literature review
Nagoya J Med Sci. 2024 May;86(2):345-350. PubMed
Nagahama M, Chigusa Y, Shiraki A, Takei Y, Yamaguchi A, Mizota T, Komatsu M, Nomura T, Egi M, Mandai M, Mogami H.
Delivery management of pregnant blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome patients: a case report and literature review
Nagoya J Med Sci. 2024 Aug;86(3):507-513. PubMed
麻酔. 2024;73:573-576.
Guidelines Committee of the Japan Awake Surgery Conference (include Mizota T)
Guidelines for Awake Surgery
Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 2024;64:1–27.
日臨麻会誌. 2024;44(1):61-67.
コロナ禍の術前訪問の変遷 ─患者の不安度・理解度・満足度調査と業務効率化を目指して─
日臨麻会誌. 2024;44(1):68-75.
COVID-19 薬物療法に関するRapid/Living recommendations
日臨麻会誌. 2024;44(4):448-454.
日臨麻会誌. 2024;44:436–443.
麻酔. 2024;73:615–22.
外科と代謝・栄養. 2024;58:115–118.
最新主要文献とガイドラインでみる 麻酔科学レビュー 2024(山蔭道明、廣田和美 監修) pp.107–110 (2024).
輸液管理(末廣浩一 編) pp.66–71 (2024).
Q&A400 こどもの呼吸のコモンなギモンに答える本(川口敦 編) pp.164-177 (2024).
Kusudo E, Kawamoto S, Egi M
Enhancing acute normovolemic hemodilution in cardiac surgery: the role of remimazolam and hemodynamic stabilityEnhancing acute normovolemic hemodilution in cardiac surgery: the role of remimazolam and hemodynamic stability (Editorial)
J Anesth 2024
Miyoshi K, Shimizu S, Shiraki A, Egi M
Ubiquitination of the μ-opioid receptor regulates receptor internalization without affecting Gi/o-mediated intracellular signaling or receptor phosphorylation
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2023 Feb 5;643:96-104.
Dong L, Takeda C, Kamitani T, Hamada M, Hirotsu A, Yamamoto Y, Mizota T
Association between intraoperative end-tidal carbon dioxide and postoperative organ dysfunction in major abdominal surgery: A cohort study.
PLoS ONE. 2023 Mar 10;18(3):e0268362.
Kimura S, Shimizu K, Izumi K, Kanazawa T, Mizuno K, Iwasaki T, Morimatsu H
Regional Cerebral Oxygen Saturation and Estimated Oxygen Extraction Ratio as Predictive Markers of Major Adverse Events in Infants with Congenital Heart Disease
Pediatr Cardiol. 2023 Apr 8.
Kuwauchi A, Yoshida S, Takeda C, Yamashita Y, Kimura T, Takeuchi M, Kawakami K
Validity of using Japanese administrative data to identify inpatients with acute pulmonary embolism: Referencing the COMMAND VTE registry
Journal of Epidemiology. 2023 Apr 22.
Kusudo E, Murata Y, Kawamoto S, Egi M
Variant-derived SARS-CoV-2 spike protein does not directly cause platelet activation or hypercoagulability
Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2023 May 19;1-8.
Miyao M, Hirotsu A, Tatsumi K, Tanaka T
Prior exposure to stress exacerbates neuroinflammation and causes long-term behavior changes in sepsis
Heliyon. 2023 June 1;9(6):e16904.
Kimura S, Shimizu K, Matsuoka Y, Iwasaki T, Kanazawa T, Morimatsu H
An Assessment of the Practice of Neuromuscular Blockade and the Association Between Its Prophylactic Use and Outcomes Among Postoperative Pediatric Cardiac Patients
J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2023 Jun;37(6):980-987.
Kimura S, Shimizu K, Iwasaki T, Kanazawa T, Morimatsu T, Hatano T, Morimatsu H
Outcomes associated with unrecognized acute kidney injury in postoperative pediatric cardiac patients
Pediatr Nephrol. 2023 Aug;38(8):2861-2871.
Takahashi N, Kondo Y, Kubo K, Egi M, Kano KI, Ohshima Y, Nakada TA
Efficacy of therapeutic drug monitoring-based antibiotic regimen in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
J Intensive Care. 2023 Nov 8;11(1):48.
Yoshida T, Sakura T, Shimizu K, Kimura S, Iwasaki T, Kanazawa T, Morimatsu H
Carboxyhemoglobin and Methemoglobin Levels and Hemolysis in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery With Cardiopulmonary Bypass
ASAIO J. 2023 Dec 1;69(12):1099-1105.
Phua J, Kulkarni AP, Mizota T, Hashemian SMR, Lee WY, Permpikul C, Chittawatanarat K, Nitikaroon P, Arabi YM, Fang WF, Konkayev A, Hashmi M, Palo JE, Faruq MO, Babu Raja Shrestha BR, Bijay KC, Nor MBBM, Sann
KK, Ling L, Haniffa R, Bahrani MA, Mendsaikhan N, Chan YH, for the Asian ABC2 Study Investigators, the Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials (ACCCT) Group
Critical care bed capacity in Asian countries and regions before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study
Lancet Reg Health West Pac 2023 Dec 11;44:100982.
Kagawa T, Kurahashi K, Seki T, Kawasaki Y, Nahara I, Takeda C, Yonekura H, Tanaka S, Kawakami K
The association between intraoperative anesthesia methods used during gastric cancer surgery and long-term mortality: A retrospective observational study using a Japanese claims database
J Anesth. 2023 Dec 15.
Yamashita Y, Fukasawa T, Takeda C, Takeuchi M, Ono K, Kawakami K
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients With Venous Thromboembolism Receiving Edoxaban in the Real World
Circ J. 2023 Dec 23.
神経障害性疼痛に対する院内製剤 10% リドカインゲルの使用実態調査
医薬品情報学 2023;25(3):115-123
Hiyoshi T, Shimizu K, Kimura S, Naritani T, Morimatsu H
Anesthetic management of a patient with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome with multiple pulmonary arteriovenous malformations and pheochromocytoma for femoral artificial bone replacement: a case report
JA Clin Rep 2023 Feb 8;9(1):6.
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2023;30:134-5.
経皮的大動脈弁留置術における自己大動脈弁前拡張時に生じたstuck valveにより急性心原性肺水腫を生じた1症例
麻酔 2023;72(8):748-753.
臨床麻酔 2023;47(4):4
麻酔 2023;72(9):827-837
周術期集中治療における出血性凝固障害を再考する ― 特集にあたって
ICUとCCU 2023;47(10):627
ICUとCCU 2023;47(10):629-636
ICUとCCU 2023;47(10):671-678
Awake craniotomyにおける覚醒度評価の試み
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2023;43:68–73
循環制御 2023;44:77–79.
臨床麻酔薬理学書 中山書店 2023;271-275
臨床麻酔薬理学書 中山書店 2023;275-277
臨床麻酔薬理学書 中山書店 2023;278-280
臨床麻酔薬理学書 中山書店 2023;280-282
臨床麻酔薬理学書 中山書店 2023;283-285
臨床麻酔薬理学書 中山書店 2023;285-289
京大式肝腎肺移植マニュアル 南江堂 2023;41-48
最新主要文献とガイドラインでみる 麻酔科学レビュー 2023 総合医学社 2023;100-105
押さえておきたい小児心臓麻酔のツボ メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2023
輸血, カルシウムとマグネシウム
Cardiac PICU スタンダード 金芳堂 2023;352-367
LiSA メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2023:30(3);368-371
LiSA メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2023:30(4);476-478
LiSA メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2023:30(9);956-957
Minami T, Watanabe H, Kato T, Ikeda K, Ueno K, Matsuyama A, Maeda J, Sakai Y, Harada H, Kuriyama A, Yamaji K, Kitajima N, Kamei J, Takatani Y, Sato Y, Yamashita Y, Mizota T, Ohtsuru S
Dexmedetomidine versus haloperidol for sedation of non-intubated patients with hyperactive delirium during the night in a high dependency unit: study protocol for an open-label, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial (DEX-HD trial)
BMC Anesthesiol. 2023;23:193.
Shimizu S, Shiraki A
CRISPR/Cas9 unveils the dynamics of the endogenous µ‐opioid receptors on neuronal cells under continuous opioid stimulation
Pharmacol Res Perspect 2022;10:e00933
Umaba C, Mineharu Y, Liang N, Mizota T, Yamawaki R, Ueda M, Yamao Y, Nankaku M, Miyamoto S, Matsuda S, Inadomi H, Arakawa Y
Intraoperative hand strength as an indicator of consciousness during awake craniotomy: A prospective, observational study
Scientific Reports 2022;12(1):216
Takeda C, Yamashita Y, Takeuchi M, Yonekura H, Dong L, Hamada M, Hirotsu A, Ono K, Kawakami K, Fukuda K, Morimoto T, Kimura T, Mizota T
Incidence, clinical characteristics, and long-term prognosis of postoperative symptomatic venous thromboembolism: a retrospective cohort study
British Medical Journal Open 2022 Feb 16;12(2)
Kawata M, Fukui A, Mineharu Y, Kikuchi T, Yamao Y, Yamamoto Hattori E, Shiraki A, Mizota T, Furukawa K, Miyamoto S, Yonezawa A, Arakawa Y
A Nationwide Questionnaire Survey on Awake Craniotomy in Japan
Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica (Tokyo) 2022 Mar;62:278–285
Tsuji T, Sato I, Kamimura Y, Ota H, Takeda C, Sobue K, Kawakami K
Trends and patterns in the practice of pediatric sedation for magnetic resonance imaging in Japan: A longitudinal descriptive study from 2012 to 2019
Paediatr Anaesth 2022 Jan 17 Online ahead of print
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative(京大病院からTakeda C, Mizota T, Yagi S)
SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study
Anaesthesia 2022 Jan;77(1):28-39
Kuwauchi A, Yoshida S, Tanaka S, Tanaka S, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Hemodynamic monitoring using a pulmonary artery catheter versus the Vigileo/FloTrac system during elective cardiac surgery based on real-world data in Japan
Annals of Clinical Epidemiology 2022
Miyachi Y, Kaido T, Hirata M, Sharshar M, Macshut M, Yao S, Kamo N, Kai S, Yagi S, Uemoto S
Intraoperative High Fraction of Inspiratory Oxygen is Independently Associated with Worse Outcome After LivingDonor Liver Transplantation: A Retrospective Study
World Journal of Surgery 2022
Li D, Takeda C, Yamazaki H, Hamada M , Hirotsu A ,Yamamoto Y, Mizota T
Association between intraoperative end-tidal carbon dioxide and postoperative nausea and vomiting in gynecologic laparoscopic surgery
Scientific Reports 2022;12(1):6865
Hirotsu A, Miyao M, Tatsumi K, Tanaka T
Sepsis-associated neuroinflammation in the spinal cord
PLos One 2022;17(6):e0269924
Hamada M, Takeda C, Li D, Hirotsu A, Shizuya I, Mizota T
Relationship between the Use of Fentanyl-Based Intravenous Patient-Controlled Analgesia and Clinically Significant Events in Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgery: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study
Clinical Medicine 2022;11:3235
Murata Y, Imai T, Takeda C, Mizota T, Kawamoto S
Agreement between continuous cardiac output measured by the fourth-generation FloTrac/Vigileo system and a pulmonary artery catheter in adult liver transplantation
Scientific Reports 2022;12:11198
Tanaka A, Kabata D, Hirao O, Kosaka J, Furushima N, Maki Y, Uchiyama A, Egi M, Shintani A, etc
Prediction Model of Extubation Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022 Apr 29;11(9):2520
Ushio M, Egi M, Fujimoto D, Obata N, Mizobuchi S
Timing, Threshold, and Duration of Intraoperative Hypotension in Cardiac Surgery: Their Associations With Postoperative Delirium
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2022 Jun 19:S1053-0770(22)00456-6. PMID:35915006
Li A, Ling L, Qin H, Arabi YM, Myatra SN, Egi M, Kim JH, etc; MOSAICS II Study Group, for the Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group
Epidemiology, Management, and Outcomes of Sepsis in Intensive Care Units Among Countries of Differing National Wealth Across Asia
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2022 Jun 28. Online ahead of print
Endo K, Mizuno K, Seki T, Joo WJ, Takeda C, Takeuchi M, Kawakami K
Intensive care unit versus high-dependency care unit admission on mortality in patients with septic shock: a retrospective cohort study using Japanese claims data
Journal of Intensive Care 2022 Jul 22;10(1):35.
Ito J, Kawakami D, Seo R, Iwata K, Ouchi K, Nonami S, Miyoshi Y, Tatebe M, Tsuchida T, Asaka Y, Takeda C, Nishihara H, Mima H, Doi A, Tomii K, Ariyoshi K
Patient-centered outcomes at hospital discharge in mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients in Kobe, Japan: A single-center retrospective cohort study
Respiratory Investigation 2022 Jul 11
Namkoong H, Edahiro R,,,, Egi M,,etc
DOCK2 is involved in the host genetics and biology of severe COVID-19
Nature 2022 Aug 8.
Wang QS, Edahiro R ,,,, Egi M,,etc
The whole blood transcriptional regulation landscape in 465 COVID-19 infected samples from Japan COVID-19 Task Force
Nature Communications 2022 Aug 22;13(1):4830
Nahara I, Takeuchi M, Yonekura H, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Safety of sugammadex for myasthaenia gravis patients undergoing general anaesthesia: a retrospective database study
BJA Open. 2022 Sep 23;4:100092.
Endo A, Yamakawa K, Tagami T, Umemura Y, Takahashi K, Nagasawa H, Araki Y, Kojima M, Sera T, Yagi M, Yamamoto R, Takahashi J, Nakane M, Takeda C, Narita C, Kazuma S, Okura H, Takahashi H, Wada T, Tahara S, Matsuoka A, Masaki T, Shiraishi A, Shimoyama K, Yokokawa Y, Nakamura R, Sageshima H, Yanagida Y, Takahashi K, Otomo Y
Optimal target blood pressure in elderly with septic shock (OPTPRESS) trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Trials 2022 Sep 24;23(1):799
Sato T, Tanaka S, Akazawa C, Tsuda Y, Teraguchi S, Kai S, Takeda C, Ohsumi A, Nakajima D, Date H
Provider-Documented Dyspnea in Intensive Care Unit After Lung Transplantation
Transplantation Proceedings 2022 Sep 28
Kusudo E, Murata Y, Matsumoto T, Kawamoto S, Egi M
Platelet function of whole blood after short-term cold storage: A prospective in vitro observational study
Transfusion 2022
Kato K, Kodama S, Shiosakai K,Kimura T
Relationship between the dose titration and adherence of mirogabalin in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain depending on renal function: a nationwide electronic medical record database study
Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 15 Dec 2022
Tada M, Yamada N, Matsumoto T, Takeda C, Furukawa TA, Watanabe N
Ultrasound guidance versus landmark method for peripheral venous cannulation in adults
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022 Dec 12;12:CD013434
Kohara J,Kai S,Hashimoto K,Takatani Y,Tanabe N,Hamada S,Cho K,Tanaka T,Ito I,Ohtsuru S
Successful lung-protective ventilatory management during the VV-ECMO in a severe COVID-19 pneumonia patient with extensive pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema
JA Clinical Reports 2022;8(12)
Shimizu S,Kimura K
Anesthetic management of Living-Donor Lung Transplantation for End-stage COVID-19 Lung Failure
JA Clinical Reports 2022;8(21)
Shimizu S
Unilateral radiculopathy away from the puncture site due to adhesive arachnoiditis after spinal anesthesia for an emergent cesarean delivery
JA Clinical Reports 2022;8(28)
Minami T, Kai S, Tanaka T, Ito I, Kato G, Nagao M, Date H, Hirai T, Ohtsuruu S, Chin K
Non-invasive ventilation using a novel ventilator and non-vented full-face mask for patients with respiratory failure during the COVID-19 pandemic
Article in press 2022
Matsumoto T, Sakurai K, Takahashi K, Kawamoto S
Use of remimazolam in living donor liver transplantation
JA Clinical Reports 2022;8(65)
Takeda C, Hirotsu A, Yasuhara G, Mizuno A, Tatsumi K, Kawamoto S
Utility of thromboelastogram in cardiac surgery in Jacobsen syndrome associated with platelet dysfunction
JA Clinical Reports 2022;8(67)
Ueda K, Miyoshi K, Kai S
The perioperative management of cesarean section in a patient with FXIII deficiency and placenta previa
JA Clinical Reports 2022;8(72)
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2022;29:233-235
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 2022;29(5):84-85
日本東洋医学雑誌 2022;73(2):182-186
Tasaka S, Ohshimo S, Takeuchi M, Yasuda H, Ichikado K, Tsushima K, Egi M, Hashimoto S, etc; ARDS Clinical Practice Guideline 2021 committee from the Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine, the Japanese Respiratory Society, and the Japanese Society of Respiratory Care Medicine
ARDS Clinical Practice Guideline 2021
Journal of Intensive Care 2022 Jul 8;10(1):32 Respir Investig. 2022 Jul;60(4):446-495
Yamakawa K, Yamamoto R, Terayama T, Hashimoto H, Ishihara T, Ishimaru G, Imura H, Okano H, Narita C, Mayumi T, Yasuda H, Yamada K, Yamada H, Kawasaki T, Shime N, Doi K, Egi M, Ogura H, Aihara M, Kushimoto S, Nishida O; Special Committee of the Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2020 (J‐SSCG 2020), the COVID‐19 Task Force
Japanese rapid/living recommendations on drug management for COVID-19: updated guidelines (July 2022)
Acute Medicine & Surgery 2022 Oct 19;9(1):e789
Pandemic & Infodemicとの戦い方
臨床麻酔 2022;12(1):6865
Dong L, Mizota T
In reply:Low levels of end-tidal carbon dioxide during general anesthesia and postoperative mortality
Canadian Journal of anaesthesia 2022;69:391-392
Yatabe T, Egi M, Ogura H
New avenues of sepsis research: obtaining perspective by analyzing and comparing SSCG 2021 and J-SSCG 2020
Journal of Intensive Care 2022 Mar 7;10(1):11
Hermanides J, Egi M
The Optimal Glycemic Control in Patients with Diabetes in the ICU: Where is the Sweet Spot?
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2022 Jun 6. doi: Online ahead of print PMID:35666826 No abstract available
Sasaki R, Aita T, Nagano H, Maehara J, Okuda S, Mizota T, Yoshioka T
Bringing hidden biases into light: comments on an observational study on the use of antifibrinolytics for pediatric patients with life-threatening hemorrhage
Critical Care Medicine 2022;50:e407–e408
Eizo Marutani, Masanobu Morita, Shuichi Hirai, Shinichi Kai, Robert M. H. Grange, Yusuke Miyazaki, Fumiaki Nagashima, Lisa Trager, Aurora Magliocca, Tomoaki Ida, Tetsuro Matsunaga, Daniel R. Flicker, Benjamin H. P. Corman, Naohiro Mori, Yumiko Yamazaki, Annabelle Batten, Rebecca Li, Tomohiro Tanaka, Takamitsu Ikeda, Akito Nakagawa, Dmitriy N. Atochin, Hideshi Ihara, Benjamin A. Olenchock, Xinggui Shen, Motohiro Nishida, Kenjiro Hanaoka, Christopher G. Kevil, Ming Xian, Donald B. Bloch, Takaaki Akaike, Allyson G. Hindle, Hozumi Motohashi, Fumito Ichinose
Sulfide catabolism ameliorates hypoxic brain injury
Nature Communications 2021 May 25;12(1):3108
Matsukawa S, Kai S, Seo H, Suzuki K, Fukuda K
Activation of the β-adrenergic receptor exacerbates lipopolysaccharide-induced wasting of skeletal muscle cells by increasing interleukin-6 production
PLoS One 2021 May;16(5)
Yutaka Murata, Eriko Kusudo, Shuji Kawamoto, Kazuhiko Fukuda
Effects of whole blood storage in a polyolefin blood bag on platelets for acute normovolemic hemodilution
Scientific Reports 2021 May;11(1):12201
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative(京大病院から Takeda C, Mizota T, Yagi S)
Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection:an international prospective cohort study
Anaesthesia 2021 Jun;76(6):748-758
Yoshika Iwata, Mariko Miyao, Akiko Hirotsu, Kenichiro Tatsumi, Tomonori Matsuyama, Nobuo Uetsuki, Tomoharu Tanaka
The Inhibitory Effects of Orengedokuto on Inducible PGE2 Production in BV-2 Microglial Cells
Heliyon 2021 Aug;7(8):e07759
Dong L, Takeda C, Yamazaki H, Kamitani T, Kimachi M, Hamada M, Fukuhara S, Mizota T, Yamamoto Y
Intraoperative end-tidal carbon dioxide and postoperative mortality in major abdominal surgery: a historical cohort study
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2021 Aug;68(11):1601-1610
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative(京大病院から Takeda C, Mizota T, Yagi S)
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study
British Journal of Surgery 2021 Sep 27;108(9):1056-1063
COVIDSurg Collaborative and GlobalSurg Collaborative(京大病院から Takeda C, Mizota T, Yagi S)
Effects of pre-operative isolation on postoperative pulmonary complications after elective surgery: an international prospective cohort study
Anaesthesia 2021 Nov;76(11):1454-1464
Nahara I, Takeuchi M, Tanaka S, Yonekura H, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Cardiovascular safety of celecoxib after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: A retrospective cohort study
Annals of Clinical Epidemiology 2021;3(4):101-108
Mizota T, Hamada M, Shiraki A, Kikuchi T, Mineharu Y, Yamao Y, Etsuko Hattori EY, Yonezawa A, Furukawa K, Arakawa Y
Factors associated with somnolence during brain function mapping in awake craniotomy
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2021 ;89:349-353
Hamada M, Wakata R, Sato MS, Mizota T
Survey of acute exacerbation after nonpulmonary surgery in patients with interstitial pneumonia
JA Clinical Reports 2021 ;7:29
Sukeishi A,Itohara K,Yonezawa A,Sato Y,Matsumura K,Katada Y,Nakagawa T,Hamada S,Tanabe N,Imoto E,Kai S,Hirai T,Yanagita M,Ohtsuru S,Terada T,Ito I
Population pharmacokinetic modeling of GS-441524, the active metabolite of remdesivir, in Japanese COVID-19 patients with renal dysfunction
CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol 2021 ;00:1-10
加藤 果林
日本臨床麻酔学会誌(別冊) 2021;41(1):58-64
麻酔 2021;70(11):1244-1248
Kayo Kimura, Shuji Kawamoto, Shinichi Kai, Tomoharu Tanaka, Kazuhiko Fukuda
Pull-through method for central venous catheter placement in a case of cadaveric donor small bowel retransplantation
JA Clinical Reports 2021;7(9)
Akito Mizuno,Shuji Kawamoto,Shuji Uda,Kenichiro Tatsumi,Chikashi Takeda,Tomoharu Tanaka and Kazuhiko Fukuda
A case of left ventricular free wall rupture after insertion of an IMPELLA® left ventricular assist device diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography
JA Clinical Reports 2021;7(1):38
Yamada H, Ohtsuru S, Nagatomo M, Korogi Y, Shinozuka K, Tanabe N, Kai S, Matsubara T, Ito I, Ihara M, Tanaka T, Kato G, Nagao M, Date H
Successful treatment of COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome with rare blood type: A case report
Clinical Case Reports 2021;Sep 24;9(9):e04859
Taguchi A, Kai S, Kimura K, Yutaka Y, Date H, Fukuda K
Intraoperative Diagnosis of Bronchovenous Fistula During Lung Transplantation Using Transesophageal Echocardiography
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2021 sep;17
Mizota T, Kimura K, Takeda C
Knot formation in a thoracic epidural catheter
JA Clinical Reports 2021;7:45
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2021;28:291-3
麻酔 2021;70(8):858-861
江木盛時、小倉裕司、矢田部智昭ら他223名 日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン2020 特別委員会(武田親宗:アカデミック班・WGメンバー)
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2021;28:supplement
神経麻酔最前線 2021;64-69
Egi M, Ogura H, Yatabe T, Atagi K, Inoue S, Iba T, Kakihana Y, Kawasaki T, Kushimoto S, Kuroda Y, Kotani J, Shime N, Taniguchi T, Tsuruta R, Doi K, Doi M, Nakada TA, Nakane M, Fujishima S, Hosokawa N, Masuda Y, Matsushima A, Matsuda N, Yamakawa K, Hara Y, Sakuraya M, Ohshimo S, Aoki Y, Inada M, Umemura Y, Kawai Y, Kondo Y, Saito H, Taito S, Takeda C, Terayama T, Tohira H, Hashimoto H, Hayashida K, Hifumi T, Hirose T, Fukuda T, Fujii T, Miura S, Yasuda H, Abe T, Andoh K, Iida Y, Ishihara T, Ide K, Ito K, Ito Y, Inata Y, Utsunomiya A, Unoki T, Endo K, Ouchi A, Ozaki M, Ono S, Katsura M, Kawaguchi A, Kawamura Y, Kudo D, Kubo K, Kurahashi K, Sakuramoto H, Shimoyama A, Suzuki T, Sekine S, Sekino M, Takahashi N, Takahashi S, Takahashi H, Tagami T, Tajima G, Tatsumi H, Tani M, Tsuchiya A, Tsutsumi Y, Naito T, Nagae M, Nagasawa I, Nakamura K, Nishimura T, Nunomiya S, Norisue Y, Hashimoto S, Hasegawa D, Hatakeyama J, Hara N, Higashibeppu N, Furushima N, Furusono H, Matsuishi Y, Matsuyama T, Minematsu Y, Miyashita R, Miyatake Y, Moriyasu M, Yamada T, Yamada H, Yamamoto R, Yoshida T, Yoshida Y, Yoshimura J, Yotsumoto R, Yonekura H, Wada T, Watanabe E, Aoki M, Asai H, Abe T, Igarashi Y, Iguchi N, Ishikawa M, Ishimaru G, Isokawa S, Itakura R, Imahase H, Imura H, Irinoda T, Uehara K, Ushio N, Umegaki T, Egawa Y, Enomoto Y, Ota K, Ohchi Y, Ohno T, Ohbe H, Oka K, Okada N, Okada Y, Okano H, Okamoto J, Okuda H, Ogura T, Onodera Y, Oyama Y, Kainuma M, Kako E, Kashiura M, Kato H, Kanaya A, Kaneko T, Kanehata K, Kano KI, Kawano H, Kikutani K, Kikuchi H, Kido T, Kimura S, Koami H, Kobashi D, Saiki I, Sakai M, Sakamoto A, Sato T, Shiga Y, Shimoto M, Shimoyama S, Shoko T, Sugawara Y, Sugita A, Suzuki S, Suzuki Y, Suhara T, Sonota K, Takauji S, Takashima K, Takahashi S, Takahashi Y, Takeshita J, Tanaka Y, Tampo A, Tsunoyama T, Tetsuhara K, Tokunaga K, Tomioka Y, Tomita K, Tominaga N, Toyosaki M, Toyoda Y, Naito H, Nagata I, Nagato T, Nakamura Y, Nakamori Y, Nahara I, Naraba H, Narita C, Nishioka N, Nishimura T, Nishiyama K, Nomura T, Haga T, Hagiwara Y, Hashimoto K, Hatachi T, Hamasaki T, Hayashi T, Hayashi M, Hayamizu A, Haraguchi G, Hirano Y, Fujii R, Fujita M, Fujimura N, Funakoshi H, Horiguchi M, Maki J, Masunaga N, Matsumura Y, Mayumi T, Minami K, Miyazaki Y, Miyamoto K, Murata T, Yanai M, Yano T, Yamada K, Yamada N, Yamamoto T, Yoshihiro S, Tanaka H, Nishida O
N The Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2020 (J-SSCG 2020)
Journal of Intensive Care 2021 Aug 25;9(1):53
Precision Medicine 2021;4:14-17
Kohara J, Dong L, Takeda C, Shiraki A, Fukagawa H, Mizota T
Derivation and validation of an equation to determine the optimal ventilator setting in children undergoing intracranial revascularization surgery: a single-center retrospective study
Paediatric Anesthesia 2020;30:50-56.
Yonekura H, Nakamori Y, Takeda C, Kawasaki Y, Kamei M.
Comment on “The Effect of Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy Versus Open Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer”.
Annual of Surgery. 2020 Jan 14.[Epub ahead print]
Takeda C, Takeuchi M, Mizota T, Yonekura H, Nahara I, Kuwauchi A, Joo WJ, Kawasaki Y, Kawakami K.
Association Between Arterial Pulse Waveform Analysis Device and In- Hospital Mortality in High-Risk Non-Cardiac Surgeries.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2020;64(7):928-935
Murata Y, Kawamoto S, Fukuda K.
Rocuronium Has a Suppressive Effect on Platelet Function via the P2Y12 Receptor Pathway In Vitro That Is Not Reversed by Sugammadex
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020;21:6399
Shuji Uda、Chikashi Takeda、Toshiyuki Mizota
Effect of droperidol addition to fentanylbased intravenous patient-controlled analgesia on postoperative nausea and vomiting: a single-center retrospective cohort study
JA Clinical Reports 2020;6:90
Shiraki A、Goto W、 Fukagawa H、 Arakawa Y、 Kikuchi T、 Mineharu Y、 Yamao Y、Yasuda T、 Hattori E、 Fukui A、 Matsui Y、 Yonezawa A、Furukawa K、 Mizota T
Effects of low-dose remifentanil infusion on analgesic or antiemetic requirement during brain function mapping: a retrospective cohort study
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2020;64:735-741
Kawamoto S,Kusudo E, Fukuda K
Use of argatroban in combination with nafamostat mesilate in open-heart surgery for a pediatric patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II: a case report
Journal of Anesthesia Clinical Reports 2020;6:1
Kawamoto S, Shiraki A, Takeda C, Tanaka T, Fukuda K.
Perioperative management of brain-dead bilateral lung transplantation in a patient with Kartagener syndrome: a case report
Journal of Anesthesia & Clinical Research 2020;11、9:1−3
東洋医学会雑誌 2020;71(2):90-93
日本小児麻酔学会雑誌 2020;26(1):70-72
後藤 渉, 田中 具治
Cardiovascular Anesthesia 2020;24(1):147-151
徹底分析シリーズ 古くて新しい炎症 周術期炎症マーカー:現状と課題,今後の展望—炎症応答の一歩先へ
LiSA 2020;27(8):852-857
救急医学 2020;44:97-100
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2020;40:497-502
Kai S, Matsuo Y, Nakagawa S ,Kryukov Kirill, Matsukawa S ,Tanaka H, Iwai T, Imanishi T, Hirota K
Rapid bacterial identification by direct PCR amplification of 16S rRNA genes using the MinIONTM nanopore sequencer.
FEBS OpenBio 2019 Jan 29;9(3):548-557
Takeda C, Takeuchi M, Mizota T, Yonekura H, Nahara I, Kuwauchi A, Joo WJ, Kawasaki Y, Kawakami K
Utilization of arterial pulse waveform analysis during non-cardiac surgery in Japan: a retrospective observational study using a nationwide claims database.
Journal of Anesthesia 2019; Jan 7;33:159-162
Takeda C, Takeuchi M, Kawasaki Y, Yonekura H, Nahara I, Kuwauchi A, Yoshida S, Tanaka S, Kawakami K
Prophylactic sivelestat for esophagectomy and in-hospital mortality: a propensity score-matched analysis of claims database.
Journal of Anesthesia 2019;Apr;33(2):230-237
Effectiveness and safety of early enteral nutrition for patients who received targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation. 2019; Jan 12;135:191-196
Matsukawa S, Kai S, Mizota T
Near-infrared spectroscopy underestimates cerebral oxygenation in hemodialysis patients.
Journal of Anesthesia 2019 Jun;33(3):478-481
Matsukawa S, Kai S, Mizota T.
Response to letter to the editor.
Journal of Anesthesia 2019 Jun
Hirotsu A, Iwata Y, Tatsumi K, Miyai Y, Matsuyama T, Tanaka T.
Maternal exposure to volatile anesthetics induces IL-6 in fetal brains and affects neuronal development.
European Journal of Pharmacology 2019 Nov 15;863:172682
Mizota T, Kohara J, Goto W, Shiraki A, Dong L, Takeda C, Fukagawa H.
Validation of the Radford nomogram to estimate the minute volume required to attain normocapnia in patients undergoing general anesthesia: A single-center retrospective study
Asian Journal of Anesthesiology 2019:1-8
Yonekura H, Ide K, Kanazawa Y, Takeda C, Nakamori Y, Matsunari Y, Sakai M, Kawakami K, Kamei M.
Use of preoperative haemostasis and ABO blood typing tests in children: a retrospective observational study using a nationwide claims database in Japan.
British Medical Journal Open. 2019 Nov 27;9(11)
Mizota T, Dong L, Takeda C, Shiraki A, Matsukawa S, Shimizu S, Kai S
Invasive Respiratory or Vasopressor Support and/or Death as a Proposed Composite Outcome Measure for Perioperative Care Research.
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2019Sep;129(3):679-685.
MinIONを使ったクリニカルシークエンシングが拓く病原菌同定の新スタンダード ーオンサイトでの感染症診断を可能にする超小型シークエンシングシステムー
INTENSIVIST 特集 栄養療法アップデート前編 2019;11(2):386−390
症例報告:「脳死膵移植にミニメド620G システムを用いて持続組織間質液グルコースモニタリングを試みた1症例」
麻酔 2019;68(9):992-995
みんなの呼吸器Respica(レスピカ) 2019;17(1):58−62
Modern Physician “処置・検査のための安全な鎮痛・鎮静管理” 2019;39(9): 827-830
溝田敏幸、川本修司、武田親宗、廣津聡子、松川志乃、村田裕、山田瑠美子、若田竜一、濵田美帆、伊藤彰仁、池垣緑、 小原淳平、後藤渉、静谷泉、中尾隆宏
臨床麻酔 2019;43(2):169-175
日本臨床麻酔学会雑誌 2019;139(3):308-311
Fujita H, Tokunaga A, Shimizu S, Whiting A L, Aguilar-Alonso F, Takagi K, Walinda E, Sasaki Y, Shimokawa T, Mizushima T, Ohki I, Ariyoshi M, Tochio H, Bernal F, Shirakawa M, Iwai K
Cooperative Domain Formation by Homologous Motifs in HOIL-1L and SHARPIN Plays A Crucial Role in LUBAC Stabilization.
Cell Reports 2018; 23: 1192–1204
Seo H, Chen SJ, Hashimoto K, Endo H, Nishi Y, Ohta A, Yamamoto T, Hotta A, Sawaguchi A, Hayashi H, Koseki N, Murphy GJ, Fukuda K, Sugimoto N, Eto K
A β1-tubulin-based megakaryocyte maturation reporter system identifies novel drugs that promote platelet production
Blood Advances 2018; 11;2(17):2262-2272
Mizota T, Dong L, Takeda C, Shiraki A, Matsukawa S, Shimizu S, Kai S
Transient acute kidney injury after major abdominal surgery increases chronic kidney disease risk and 1-year mortality.
Journal of Critical Care 2018 Nov 13; 50:17-22.
Yonekura H, Ide K, Onishi Y, Nahara I, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Preoperative Echocardiography for Patients With Hip Fractures Undergoing Surgery: A Retrospective Cohort Study Using a Nationwide Database.
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2018 Oct 30;128(2) :213-220.
Ito Y, Nakamura S, Sugimoto N, Shigemori T, Kato Y, Ohno M, Sakuma S, Ito K, Kumon H, Hirose H, Okamoto H, Nogawa M, Iwasaki M, Kihara S, Fujio K, Matsumoto T, Higashi N, Hashimoto K, Sawaguchi A, Harimoto KI, Nakagawa M, Yamamoto T, Handa M, Watanabe N, Nishi E, Arai F, Nishimura S, Eto K.
Turbulence Activates Platelet Biogenesis to Enable Clinical Scale Ex Vivo Production.
Cell 2018 Jul 26;174(3):636-648
菫理、楠戸絵梨子、白木敦子、濱井優輔、宮尾真理子、深川博志、溝田 敏幸、田中具治
麻酔 2018; 67: 293-297
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2018; 25(6): 457-459
Hirotsu A, Kusudo E, Mori N, Miyai Y, Suzuki K, Kawamoto S, Fukuda K
Successful perioperative management of living-donor liver transplantation for a patient with severe methylmalonic acidemia
Journal of Anesthesia Clinical Reports 2018; 4(1):83-86
Yoshida M, Saito N, Imai M, Tsujimura A, Sakamoto K, Toyota T, Nakatsu T, Watanabe H, Taniguchi T, Yaku H, Tazaki J, Shiomi H, Mizota T, Kato T, Yamazaki K, Kimura T
A Case of Successful Reopening of Left Main Coronary Artery Occlusion after Transcatheter Aortic Valve implantation.
JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 2018; 11:409–11
麻酔2018; 67: 165-167
麻酔2018; 67: 1209-1212
麻酔科医による末梢挿入型中心静脈カテーテル (PICC) 挿入術の実際
麻酔 2018; 67(10): 1055-1058
Yonekura H, Seto K, Ide K, Kawasaki Y, Tanaka S, Nahara I, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Preoperative blood tests conducted before Low-Risk surgery in Japan: A retrospective observational study using a nationwide insurance claims database
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2017; 1-8
Yonekura H, Ide K, Seto K, Kawasaki Y, Tanaka S, Nahara I, Takeda C, Kawakami K
Preoperative pulmonary function tests before low-risk surgery in Japan: a retrospective cohort study using a claims database
Journal of Anesthesia 2017; 10.1007/s00540-017-2423-2
Mizota T, Yamamoto Y, Hamada M, Matsukawa S, Shimizu S, Kai S
Intraoperative oliguria predicts acute kidney injury after major abdominal surgery
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2017; 119: 1127-1134
Mizota T, Hamada M, Matsukawa S, Seo H, Tanaka T, Segawa H
Relationship between intraoperative hypotension and acute kidney injury after living donor liver transplantation: A retrospective analysis
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2017; 31: 582-589
Tatsumi K, Hirotsu A, Daijo H, Matsuyama T, Terada N, Tanaka T
Effect of propofol on androgen receptor activity in prostate cancer cells
European Journal of Pharmacology 2017; 809: 242-252
Kato K, Nagao M, Miyamoto K, Oka K, Takahashi M, Yamamoto M, Matsumura Y, Kaido T, Uemoto S, Ichiyama S
Longtidual analysis of the intestial microbiota in liver transplantation
Transplantation Direct 2017; 3: e144
Hamada M, Matuskawa S, Kai S, Mizota T
Acute kidney injury after pediatric liver transplantation: incidence, risk factors, and association with outcome
Journal of Anesthesia 2017; 31: 758-763
Matsukawa S, Hamada M, Mizota T
Low preoperative regional cerebral oxygen saturation in hemodialysis patients
Journal of Anesthesia Clinical Reports 2017; 3: 13
Uehara K, Minakata K, Saito N, Imai M, Daijo H, Nakatsu T, Sakamoto K, Yamazaki K, Kimura T, Sakata R
Use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in complicated transcatheter aortic valve replacement
General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2017;65: 329-336
Date H, Aoyama A, Hijiya K, Motoyama H, Handa T, Kinoshita H, Baba S, Mizota T, Minakata K, Chen-Yoshikawa TF
Outcomes of various transplant procedures (single, sparing, inverted) in living-donor lobar lung transplantation
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2017; 153: 479-486
Kato K, Matsumura Y, Yamamoto M, Nagao M, Takakura S, Ichiyama S
Regional spread of CTX-M-2-Producing proteus mirabilis with the identical genetic structure in Japan
Microbial Drug Resistance 2017; 23: 590-595
麻酔 2017; 66: 1281-1286
麻酔 2017; 66: 530-534
Mizota T, Fujiwara K, Hamada M, Matsukawa S, Segawa H
Effect of arginine vasopressin on systemic and pulmonary arterial pressure in a patient with pulmonary hypertension secondary to pulmonary emphysema: a case report
Journal of Anesthesia Clinical Reports 2017; 3(1): 1-4
麻酔 2017; 66: 530-534
ハリソン内科学日本語版第5版 第165章 2017; 932-937
NEW薬理学 第7版(田中千賀子、加藤隆一、成宮周編) 第5章 2017; 345-352
Kato K, Nagao M, Yamamoto M, Matsumura Y, Takakura S, Fukuda K, Ichiyama S
Oral administration and younger age decrease plasma concentrations of voriconazole in pediatric patients
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 2016; 22: 27-31
Mizota T, Minamisawa S, Imanaka Y, Fukuda K
Oliguria without serum creatinine increase after living-donor liver transplantation is associated with adverse post-operative outcomes
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2016; 60: 874-881
Yunoki T, Matsumura Y, Nakano S, Kato K, Hotta G, Noguchi T, Yamamoto M, Nagao M, Takakura S, Ichiyama S
Genetic, phenotypic and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry-based identification of anaerobic bacteria and determination of their antimicrobial susceptibility at a University Hospital in Japan
Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 2016; 22: 303-307
Shimizu S, Fujita H, Sasaki Y, Tsuruyama T, Fukuda K, Iwai K
Differential Involvement of the Npl4 zinc finger domains of SHARPIN and HOIL-1L in linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex-mediated cell death protection
Molecular and Cellular Biology 2016; 36: 1569-1583
Mizota T, Miyao M, Yamada T, Sato T, Aoyama T, Chen F, Date H, Fukuda
Graft dysfunction immediately after reperfusion predicts short-term outcomes in living-donor lobar lung transplantation but not in cadaveric lung transplantation
Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2016; 22: 314-320
Dong Li, Mizota T, Tanaka T, Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Date H, Fukuda K
Off-pump bilateral cadaveric lung transplantation is associated with profound intraoperative hypothermia
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2016; 30: 924-929
Daijo H, Hoshino Y, Kai S, Suzuki K, Nishi K, Matsuo Y, Harada H, Hirota K
Cigarette smoke reversibly activates hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in a reactive oxygen species- dependent manner
Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 1-12
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2016; 23: 306-311
直鎖状ポリユビキチン鎖による炎症・免疫応答の制御 医学のあゆみ 2016; 256; 855-860
[薬物の投与経路とその効果] モルヒネ
Life Support and Anesthesia 2016; 23; 240-245
MB OCULISTA 2016; 47: 1-6
麻酔 2016; 65: 37-41
ICUとCCU 2016; 40: 549-554
Toyota T, Saito N, Minakata K, Imai M, Uehara K, Nishio H, Kuroda Y, Watanabe H, Taniguchi T, Tazaki J, Yamazaki K, Daijo H, Kimura T
Successful management of guidewire kinking in a patient with subaortic septal bulging using the pull-through technique during transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Circulation Journal 2016; 80: 258-260
Kato K, Sato K
Longitudinal deformation of coronary stent detected by transesophageal echocardiography
SOJ Anesthesiology and Pain Management 2016; 3: 1-3
Chen-Yoshikawa TF, Goda Y, Dong L, Date H
Separate pulmonary venous anastomoses using a left atrial appendage in a left single lung transplantation
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2016; 152: e11-e12
麻酔と蘇生 2016; 52: 43-46
蘇生 2016; 35: 6-9
臨床麻酔 2016; 40: 1309-1310
松田 麻子、溝田 敏幸、田中 具治、瀬川 一、福田 和彦
麻酔 2016; 65: 380-383
麻酔 2016; 65: 168-171
麻酔ポケットマニュアル(中尾慎一編) 2016; 88-94
麻酔ポケットマニュアル(中尾慎一編) 2016; 95-103
麻酔ポケットマニュアル(中尾慎一編) 2016; 104-113
最先端外科手術の麻酔管理(稲垣喜三編) 2016; 91-96
麻酔ポケットマニュアル(中尾慎一編) 2016; 114-124
麻酔ポケットマニュアル(中尾慎一編) 2016; 125-139
Nakano S, Matsumura Y, Ito Y, Fujisawa T, Chang B, Suga S, Kato K, Yunoki T, Hotta G, Noguchi T, Yamamoto M, Nagao M, Takakura S, Ohnishi M, Ihara T, Ichiyama S
Development and evaluation of MALDI-TOF MS-based serotyping for Streptococcus pneumoniae
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2015; 34 :2191-2198
Sato M, Shirakami G, Fukuda K
Comparison of general anesthesia and monitored anesthesia care in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery using a combination of ultrasound‑guided thoracic paravertebral block and local infiltration anesthesia: a retrospective study
Journal of Anesthesia 2015; 30: 244-251
Kawamoto S, Hirakata H, Sugita N, Fukuda K
Bidirectional effects of dexmedetomidine on human platelet functions in vitro
European Journal of Pharmacology 2015; 766: 122-128
Mizota T, Matsukawa S, Fukagawa H, Daijo H, Tanaka T, Chen F, Date H, Fukuda K
The clinical course of anesthetic induction in lung transplant recipients with pulmonary complications after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Journal of Anesthesia 2015; 29: 562-569
Matsuyama T, Tanaka T, Tatsumi K, Daijo H, Kai S, Harada H, Fukuda K
Midazolam inhibits the hypoxia-induced up-regulation of erythropoietin in the central nervous system
European Journal of Pharmacology 2015; 761: 189-198
Mizota T, Matsukawa S, Fukagawa H, Daijo H, Tanaka T, Chen F, Date H, Fukuda K
Preoperative hypercapnia as a predictor of hypotension during anesthetic induction in lung transplant recipients
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2015; 29: 967-971
Date H, Sato M, Aoyama A, Yamada T, Mizota T, Kinoshita H, Handa T, Tanizawa K, Chin K, Minakata K, Chen F
Living-donor lobar lung transplantation provides similar survival to cadaveric lung transplantation even for very ill patients
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2015; 47: 967-973
Irie T*, Sips PY*, Kai S*, Kida K, Hirai S, Moazzami K, Jiramongkolchai P, BlochDB, Doulias PT, Armoundas AA, Kaneki M, Ischiropoulos H, Kranias E, Bloch KD, Stamler J, Ichinose F
S-nitrosylation of Calcium-Handling Proteins in Cardiac Adrenergic Signaling and Hypertrophy
Circ Res 2015; 117: 793-803
Marutani E, Yamada M, Ida T, Tokuda K, Ikeda K, Kai S, Shirozu K, Hayashida K, Kosugi S, Hanaoka K, Kaneki M, Akaike T, Ichinose F
Thiosulfate Mediates Cytoprotective Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide Against Neuronal Ischemia
J Am Heart Assoc 2015; 4(11)
麻酔 2015; 64: 1228-1233
麻酔 2015; 64: 603-609
橋本一哉、 瀬尾英哉、 江藤浩之
麻酔 2015; 64: S10-S14
臨床麻酔 2015; 39: 381-392
[非がん性痛に対するオピオイド] 知っておくべきオピオイドの基礎知識 受容体の種類とその特徴
LiSA 2015; 22: 222-227
Taniguchi T, Saito N, Minakata K, Imai M, Watanabe H, Toyota T, Watanabe S, Tazaki J, Koizumi S, Hirao S, Yamazaki K, Daijo H, Sakata R, Kimura T
Intravascular ultrasound observation of an obstruction of the left main coronary artery caused by displaced leaflet calcification and hematoma after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Circulation 2015; 131: e345-e346
Chen F, Muranishi Y, Minakata K, Taura K, Okabe H, Mizota T, Sonobe M, Date H
Complete resection of a giant mediastinal leiomyosarcoma
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2015; 99: e69-e71
日本小児麻酔学会誌 2015; 21: 199−202
麻酔 2015; 64: 651-654
麻酔 2015; 64: 180-184
Fukuda K
Chapter 31. Opioid Analgesics
Miller’s Anesthesia 8th edition(Miller R D ed) 2015; 864-914
麻酔科医のための周術期の薬物使用法(川真田樹人編) 2015; 第2章: 38-42
まれな疾患の麻酔 A to Z(高崎眞弓、河本昌志、木内恵子、白神豪太郎、萩原哲編)2015; 647
まれな疾患の麻酔 A to Z(高崎眞弓、河本昌志、木内恵子、白神豪太郎、萩原哲編) 2015; 45
新・血栓止血血管学 第1巻 2015; 196-201
Hotta G, Matsumura Y, Kato K, Nakano S, Yunoki T, Yamamoto M, Nagao M, Ito Y, Takakura S, Ichiyama S
Risk factors and outcomes of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia bacteraemia: a comparison with bacteraemia caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter species
PLoS One 2014; 9: e112208
Fukagawa H, Koyama T, Fukuda K
κ-Opioid receptor mediates the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide in mice
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2014; 113: 1032-1038
Nakano S, Matsumura Y, Kato K, Yunoki T, Hotta G, Noguchi T, Yamamoto M, Nagao M, Ito Y, Takakura S, Ichiyama S
Differentiation of vanA-positive Enterococcus faecium from vanA-negative E. faecium by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 2014; 44: 256-259
Kai S, Tanaka T, Matsuyama T, Suzuki K, Hirota K
The volatile anesthetic isoflurane differentially suppresses the induction of erythropoietin synthesis elicited by acute anemia and systemic hypoxemia in mice in an hypoxia-inducible factor-2-dependent manner
European Journal of Pharmacology 2014; 732: 43-49
Kato K, Nagao M, Nakano S, Yunoki T, Hotta G, Yamamoto M, Matsumura Y, Ito Y, Takakura S, Chen F, Bando T, Matsuda Y, Matsubara K, Date H, Ichiyama S
Itraconazole prophylaxis for invasive Aspergillus infection in lung transplantation
Transplant Infectious Disease 2014; 16: 340-343
Kato K, Matsumura Y, Yamamoto M, Nagao M, Ito Y, Takakura S, Ichiyama S
Seasonal trend and clinical presentation of Bacillus cereus bloodstream infection: association with summer and indwelling catheter
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2014; 33: 1371-1379
麻酔 2014; 63: 1249-1253
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 菌血症の危険因子と臨床的特徴:その他の非発酵菌菌血症との症例対照研究
感染症学雑誌 2014; 87: 596-602
ICUとCCU 2014; 38: 63-66
[日常診療における疑問を解消 鎮痛薬の使い分け] オピオイド(基礎編)
月刊レジデント 2014; 7: 67−73
Shimizu S, Koyama T, Mizota T, Fukuda K
Acute obstruction of craniocervical venous drainage in a lung-transplant patient
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2014; 28: 1586-1588
日本心臓血管麻酔学会誌 2014; 18: 25-28
静脈麻酔薬の薬理:各論2. 鎮痛薬
「静脈麻酔」(稲垣喜三編)静脈麻酔薬の薬理:各論2 2014; 61-80
Tanaka T, Kai S, Matsuyama T, Adachi T, Fukuda K, Hirota K
General anesthetics Inhibit LPS-Induced IL-1β Expression in Glial Cells
PLoS ONE 2013; 8: e82930
Hara R, Hirota K, Sato M, Tanabe H, Yazawa T, Habara T, Fukuda K
The impact of remifentanil on incidence and severity of postoperative nausea and vomiting in a university hospital-based ambulatory surgery center: a retrospective observation study
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2013; 65: 142-146
Suzuki K, Nishi K, Takabuchi S, Kai S, Matsuyama T, Kurosawa S, Adachi T, Maruyama T, Fukuda K, Hirota K
Differential roles of prostaglandin E-type receptors in activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 by prostaglandin E1 in vascular-derived cells under non-hypoxic conditions
PeerJ 2013; 1: e220
Matsuyama T, Iranami H, Fujii K, Hirayama M, Kawashima K
Is recall of dreaming during anesthesia a sign of occurrence of postoperative nausea and vomiting?
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 945-948
Mizota T, Iwata Y, Daijo H, Koyama T, Tanaka T, Fukuda K
Orthostatic intolerance during early mobilization following video-assisted thoracic surgery
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 895-900
Takeda J, Namiki A, Ozaki M, Fukuda K, Morita K, Kanmura Y, Yamakage M, Komatsu T, Inada E, Kawate R, Kanazawa M, Sakamoto A, Uezono S, Sato S, Nishiwaki K, Miyamoto Y, Nakatsuka H, Yasuda N Baxter BLM-240 Study Team
A prospective randomized multicenter comparative study of BLM-240 (desflurane) versus sevoflurane in Japanese patients
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 468-471
Fukagawa H, Koyama T, Kakuyama M, Fukuda K
Microglial activation involved in morphine tolerance is not mediated by toll-like receptor 4
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 93-97
Mizota T, Tujikawa H, Shoda T, Fukuda K
Dual modulation of the T-cell receptor-activated signal transduction pathway by morphine in human T lymphocytes
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 80-87
麻酔 2013; 62: 52-59
臨床精神医学 2013; 42: 443-450
Shimizu S, Koyama T, Mizota T, Fukuda K
Successful tracheal intubation with the GlideScope® in a patient with CHARGE syndrome
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 965-966
Shimizu S, Kawashima S, Seo K
Anesthetic management of above-knee amputation in a patient with progressive supranuclear palsy
Acta Anaesthesiologica Taiwanica 2013; 51: 49
Tani M, Hirota K, Habara T, Fukuda K
Successful perioperative airway management in a patient with angiomatous macroglossia for laser ablation under general anesthesia
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 789-790
Kato K, Mizota T, Hirota K, Fukuda K
Successful perioperative management of a patient with primary systemic carnitine deficiency: a case report
Journal of Anesthesia 2013; 27: 141-142
日本心臓血管麻酔学会誌 2013; 16: 65−69
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2013; 20: 285-286
臨床麻酔 2013; 37: 1233-1234
増刊レジデントノート 2013; 14: 88-92
Elgendy HM, El Moghazy WM, Uemoto S, and Fukuda K
Pre transplant serum magnesium level predicts outcome after pediatric living donor liver transplantation
Annals of Transplantation 2012; 17: 29-37
Murase K, Chihara Y, Takahashi K, Okamoto S, Segawa H, Fukuda K, Tanaka K, Uemoto S, Mishima M, and Chin K
Use of noninvasive ventilation for pediatric patients following liver transplantation: Decrease in the need for reintubation
Liver Transplantation 2012; 18: 1217-1225
Kai S, Tanaka T, Daijo H, Harada H, Kishimoto S, Suzuki K, Takabuchi S, Takenaga K, Fukuda K, and Hirota K
Hydrogen sulfide inhibits hypoxia- but not anoxia-induced hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation in a von Hippel-Lindau- and mitochondria-dependent manner
Antioxidants α Redox Signaling 2012; 16: 203-216
Zuo Y, Zhao T, L Zeng S, Zeng L, Yoem C, Hirota K, Suzuki K, Morinibu A, Shinomiya K, Ou G, Yoshimura M, Hiraoka M, Harada H
Involvement of decreased hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activity and resultant G1-S cell cycle transition in radioresistance of perinecrotic tumor cells
Oncogene 2012; 32: 2058-2068
Harada H, Inoue M, Itasaka S, Hirota K, Morinibu A, Shinomiya K, Zeng L, Ou G, Zhu Y, Yoshimura M, McKenna WG, Muschel RJ, Hiraoka M
Cancer cells that survive radiation therapy acquire HIF-1 activity and translocate towards tumour blood vessels
Nature Communications 2012; 3783: 1-10
Iwata Y, Mizota Y, Mizota T, Koyama T, Shichino T
Postoperative continuous intravenous infusion of fentanyl is associated with the development of orthostatic intolerance and delayed ambulation in patients after gynecologic laparoscopic surgery
Journal of Anesthesia 2012; 26: 503-508
Kawano Y, Kawaguchi M, Hirota K, Kai S, Konishi N, Furuya H
Effects of n-propyl gallate on neuronal survival after forebrain ischemia in rats
Resuscitation 2012; 83: 249-252
循環制御 2012; 33: 196−198
麻酔 2012; 61: 800-804
角山正博, 久野太三, 古谷秀勝, 池浦麻紀子, 横山勝教, 植月信雄, 福田和彦
日本ペインクリニック学会誌 2012; 19: 389
Kopman AF, Kurata J
Can’t intubate, can’t ventilate: is “rescue reversal” a pipe-dream? (Editorial)
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2012; 114: 924-926
誌上抄読会 BIS(Bispectral Index Score)は患者の予後に影響する?
臨床麻酔 2012; 36: 1499-1503
麻酔 2012; 61: 47-56
実験医学増刊号[がんと代謝] 2012; 30: 66-72
Yamashita K, Ishii H, Hirota K, Sato M, Tanabe H, Fukuda K
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy during ambulatory anesthesia for bladder hydrodistension therapy -A case report-
Korean Journal of Anesthesiology 2012; 62: 484-487
麻酔 2012; 61: 769−770
Hirota K
Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor in inflammation
Chronic inflammation: Molecular pathophysiology, nutritional and therapeutic interventions(Roy S, Bagchi D, Raychaudhuri SP) 2012: 51-66
Nafady-Hego H, Elgendy H, Moghazy WE, Fukuda K, Uemoto S
Pattern of bacterial and fungal infections in the first 3 months after pediatric living donor liver transplantation: an 11-year single-center experience
Liver Transplantation 2011; 17: 976-984
Kadonosono T, Kuchimaru T, Yamada S, Takahashi Y, Murakami A, Tani T, Watanabe H, Tanaka T, Hirota K, Inoue M, Tsukamoto T, Toyoda T, Urano K, Machida K, Eto T, Ogura T, Tsutsumi H, Ito M, Hiraoka M, Kondoh G, Kizaka-Kondoh S
Detection of the onset of ischemia and carcinogenesis by hypoxia-inducible transcription factor-based in vivo bioluminescence imaging
PLoS ONE 2011; 6: e26640
Kai S, Tanaka T, Daijo H, Harada H, Kishimoto S, Suzuki K, Takabuchi S, Takenaga K, Fukuda K, Hirota K
Hydrogen sulfide inhibits hypoxia- but not anoxia-induced hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation in a von Hippel-Lindau- and mitochondria-dependent manner
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2011; 16: 203-216
Daijo H, Kai S, Tanaka T, Wakamatsu T, Kishimoto S, Suzuki K, Harada H, Takabuchi S, Adachi T, Fukuda K, Hirota K
Fentanyl activates hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in neuronal SH-SY5Y cells and mice under non-hypoxic conditions in a μ-opioid receptor-dependent manner
European Journal of Pharmacology 2011; 667: 144-152
Elgendy H, Okitsu T, Kimura Y, Liu X, Nafady-Hego H, Kurata J, Teramae H, Elbahrawy A, Uemoto S, Fukuda K
Augmented damage of islets by impaired exocrine acinar cells undergoing apoptosis that is possibly converted to necrosis during isolation
Islets 2011; 3: 102-110
Tanaka T, Kai S, Koyama T, Daijo H, Adachi T, Fukuda K, Hirota K
General anesthetics inhibit erythropoietin induction under hypoxic conditions in the mouse brain.
PLoS One 2011; 6: e29378
麻酔 2011; 60: 590−596
麻酔 2011; 60: 566-573
麻酔 2011; 60: S183-S188
麻酔 2011; 60: S69-S74
日本心臓血管学会誌 2011; 15: 141-146
特別鼎談 Vol.2 研究留学—Ten years after 門川俊明×広田喜一×島岡要
医学のあゆみ 2011; 239: 921-928
特別鼎談 Vol.1 研究留学—Ten years after 門川俊明×広田喜一×島岡要
医学のあゆみ 2011; 239: 859-868
京都大学大学院医学研究科 “キャリアアップセミナー” 観戦記
医学のあゆみ 2011; 239: 1223-1225
Fujinaga T, Bando T, Nakajima D, Sakamoto J, Chen F, Shoji T, Sakai H, Ishii H, Miwa S, Date H
Living-donor lobar lung transplantation with sparing of bilateral native upper lobes: A novel strategy
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2011; 30: 351-353
Chen F, Matsukawa S, Ishii H, Ikeda T, Shoji T, Fujinaga T, Bando T, Date H
Delayed chest closure assessed by transesophageal echocardiogram in single-lobe lung transplantation
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2011; 92: 2254-2257
Chen F, Tazaki J, Shibata T, Miwa S, Yamazaki K, Ishii H, Shoji T, Fujinaga T, Bando T, Date H
Stent angioplasty for a kink in the pulmonary artery anastomosis soon after living-donor lobar lung transplantation
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2011; 92: e105-106
Kishimoto S, Hirota K, Segawa H, Fukuda K
Ectopic ACTH syndrome revealed as severe hypokalemia and persistent hypertension during the perioperative period: a case report
Journal of Anesthesia 2011; 25: 104-107
Sonobe M, Bando T, Kusuki S, Fujinaga T, Shoji T, Chen F, Sakai H, Ishii H, Ikeda T, Date, H
Living-donor, single-lobe lung transplantation and simultaneous contralateral pneumonectomy in a child
Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2011; 30: 471-474
麻酔 2011; 60: 1387-1390
デスフルランの使い方(武田純三編) 2011; 23-36
標準麻酔科学 第6版(弓削孟文監修、古家仁、稲田英一、後藤隆久編) 2011; 39-42
標準麻酔科学 第6版(弓削孟文監修、古家仁、稲田英一、後藤隆久編) 2011; 254-256
Tanaka T, Takabuchi S, Nishi K, Oda S, Wakamatsu T, Daijo H, Fukuda K, Hirota K
The intravenous anesthetic propofol inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation and suppresses the glucose metabolism in macrophages
Journal of Anesthesia 2010; 24: 54-60
Tanaka T, Wakamatsu T, Daijo H, Oda S, Kai S, Adachi T, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Fukuda K, Hirota K
Persisting mild hypothermia suppresses hypoxia-inducible factor 1α protein synthesis and Hypoxia-inducible factor-1-mediated gene expression
American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2010; 298: R611-R671
Sato M, Shirakami G, Tazuke-Nishimura M, Matsuura S, Tanimoto K, Fukuda K
Effect of single-dose dexmedetomidine on emergence agitation and recovery profiles after sevoflurane anesthesia in pediatric ambulatory surgery
Journal of Anesthesia 2010; 24: 675-682
Samuni Y, Ishii H, Hyodo F, Samuni U, Krishna MC, Goldstein S, Mitchell JB
Reactive oxygen species mediate hepatotoxicity induced by the Hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin and its analogs
Free Radical Biology α Medicine 2010; 48: 1559-1563
Koyama T, Fukuda K
Involvement of the κ-opioid receptor in nitrous oxide-induced analgesia in mice
Journal of Anesthesia 2010; 24: 297-299
Esaki Y, Li Y, Sakata D, Yao C, Segi-Nishida E, Matsuoka T
Dual roles of PGE2-EP4 signaling in mouse experimenatal autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA 2010;27: 12233-12238
Kurata J
Deep hypnosis as a sign of “imbalance” in balanced anesthesia (Editorial)
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2010; 110: 663-665
薬局 2010; 61: 75-77
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2010; 30: 603-610
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2010; 30: 943-951
第21回近畿リウマチ病研究会講演集 2010; 23-29
Shinohara H, Hirota K, Sato M, Kakuyama M, Fukuda K
Monitored anesthesia care with dexmedetomidine of a patient with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension for inguinal hernioplasty
Journal of Anesthesia 2010; 24: 611-613
Koga T, Miyao M, Sato M, Hirota K, Kakuyama M, Tanabe H, Fukuda K
Pituitary apoplexy during general anesthesia in beach chair position for shoulder joint arthroplasty
Journal of Anesthesia 2010; 24: 476-478
麻酔 2010; 59: 625-628
麻酔 2010; 59: 220-223
Fukuda K
Chapter 27. Opioids
Miller’s Anesthesia 7th edition(Miller R D ed) 2010: 769-824
周術期管理チームテキスト(社団法人日本麻酔科学会編) 2010: 87-88
周術期管理チームテキスト(社団法人日本麻酔科学会編) 20102010: 89-93
周術期管理チームテキスト(社団法人日本麻酔科学会編) 20102010: 153-157
麻酔科研修ノート(稲田英一、上村裕一、土田英昭、村川雅洋編) 2010; 509−512
Koyama T, Mayahara T, Wakamatsu T, Sora I, Fukuda K
Deletion of μ-opioid receptor in mice does not affect the minimum alveolar concentration of volatile anaesthetics and nitrous oxide-induced analgesia
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2009; 103: 744-749
Wakamatsu T, Tanaka T, Oda S, Nishi K, Harada H, Daijo H, Takabuchi S, Kai S, Fukuda K, Hirota K
The intravenous anesthetics barbiturates inhibit hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation
European Journal of Pharmacology 2009; 617: 17-22
Ishii H, Choudhuri R, Mathias A, Sowers AL, Flanders KC, Cook JA, Mitchell JB
Halofuginone mediated protection against radiation-induced leg contracture
International Journal of Oncology 2009; 35: 315-319
Tsujikawa H, Shoda T, Mizota T, Fukuda K
Morphine induces DNA damage and P53 activation in CD3+ T cells
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009; 1790: 793-799
Kobayashi Y, Kurata J, Sekiguchi M, Kokubun M, Akaishizawa T, Chiba Y, Konno S, Kikuchi S
Augmented cerebral activation by lumbar mechanical stimulus in chronic low back pain patients – an fMRI study-
Spine 2009; 34: 2431-2436
Oda S, Oda T, Takabuchi S, Nishi K, Wakamatsu T, Tanaka T, Adachi T, Fukuda K, Nohara R, Hirota K
The calcium channel blocker cilnidipine selectively suppresses hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activity in vascular cells
European Journal of Pharmacology 2009; 606: 130-136
Koyama T, Fukuda K
Nociceptin receptor antagonist JTC-801 inhibits nitrous oxide-induced analgesia in mice
Journal of Anesthesia 2009; 23: 301-303
麻酔 2009; 58: S211-S217
臨床麻酔 2009; 33: 1911-1919
ハイポキシア生物学 -酸素代謝からみる生命現象-
麻酔 2009; 58: S138-S146
前立腺疾患の麻酔 前立腺生検:主要な帰宅阻害因子は「血尿」と「尿閉」
LiSA 2009; 16: 1096-1100
麻酔 2009; 58: 1350-1359
日本麻酔・薬理学会誌 2009; 20: 53-57
ロクロニウムの臨床評価 -「効果発現」-
日本麻酔・薬理学会誌 2009; 20: 29-31
痛みの機序 オピオイド受容体
Clinical Neuroscience別冊 2009; 27: 507-509
Hara Y, Hirota K, Fukuda K
Successful airway management with use of a laryngeal mask airway in a patient with CHARGE syndrome
Journal of Anesthesia 2009; 23: 630-632
Koyanagi S, Himukashi S, Mukaida K, Shichino T, Fukuda K
Dopamine D2-like receptor in the nucleus accumbens is involved in the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2008; 106: 1904-1909
Sawaguchi Y, Furutani E, Shirakami G, Araki M, Fukuda K
A model-predictive hypnosis control system under total intravenous anesthesia
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2008; 55: 874-887
Oda S, Oda T, Nishi K, Takabuchi S, Wakamatsu T, Tanaka T, Adachi T, Fukuda K, Semenza GL, Hirota K
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor activates hypoxia-inducible factor in a p53-dependent manner
PLoS ONE 2008; 3(e2215); 1-11
Arai T, Nonogawa M, Makino K, Endo N, Mori H, Miyoshi T, Yamashita K, Sasada M, Kakuyama M, Fukuda K
The radical scavenger edaravone (3-methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one) reacts with a pterin derivative and produces a cytotoxic substance that induces intracellular reactive oxygen species generation and cell death
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 2008; 324: 529-538
Kimura M, Takabuchi S, Tanaka T, Murata M, Nishi K, Oda S, Oda T, Kanai M, Fukuda K, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Adachi T, Takabayashi A, Semenza GL, Hirota K
n-Propyl gallate activates hypoxia-inducible factor 1 by modulating intracellular oxygen-sensing systems
Biochemical Journal 2008; 411: 97-105
Nishi K, Oda T, Takabuchi S, Oda S, Fukuda K, Adachi T, Semenza GL., Shingu K, Hirota K
LPS induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation in macrophage-differentiated cells in a reactive oxygen species-dependent manner
Antioxidants and Redox Signaling 2008; 10: 983-996
小林義尊、倉田二郎、加藤鉄志、畑下智、鹿山悟、荒井至、国分美加、赤石沢孝、千葉義弘、紺野慎一、菊池臣一、公立大学法人福島県立医科大学 整形外科学講座、帝京大学医学部 麻酔科学講座、南東北病院 整形外科、南東東北病院 放射線科
PAIN RESEARCH 2008; 23:124-130
長時間作用性局所麻酔薬塩酸レボブピバカイン(MR8A2)の硬膜外麻酔における推奨用量の検討 第Ⅱ相臨床試験
麻酔と蘇生 2008; 44: 103−118
JHONS 2008; 24: 1133-1136
ハイポキシア生物学 -酸素代謝からみる生命現象の方程式-
医学のあゆみ 2008; 225: 1283-1286
DAM(Difficult Airway Management)アルゴリズム
臨床麻酔 2008; 32: 546-555
LiSA 2008; 15: 238-243
麻酔 2008; 57: 366−369
成人てんかん合併自閉症患者の日帰り麻酔の経験 -経口および静脈内投与デクスメデトミジンによる鎮静-
麻酔 2008; 57: 735-738
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2008; 15: 579-580
Adachi T, Hirota K, Hara T, Sasaki Y, Hara Y
Exhaled carbon monoxide levels change in relation to inspired oxygen fraction during general anesthesia
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2007; 105: 696-699
Umegaki T, Kikuchi O, Hirota K, Adachi T
Comparison of continuous intraarterial blood gas analysis and transcutaneous monitoring to measure oxygen partial pressure during one-lung ventilation
Journal of Anesthesia 2007; 21: 110-111
Sommani P, Yamashita K, Miyoshi T, Tsunemine H, Kodaki T, Mori H, Hirota K, Arai T, Sasada M, Makino K
Inhibitory Effect of 6-Formylpterin on HIF-1alpha Protein Accumulation
Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2007; 30: 2181-2184
Mukaida K, Shichino T, Koyanagi S, Himukashi S, Fukuda K
Activity of serotonergic system during isoflurane anesthesia
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2007; 104: 836-839
Hiraga T, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Hirota K, Hiraoka M, Yoneda T
Hypoxia and hypoxia-inducible factor-1 expression enhance osteolytic bone metastases of breast cancer
Cancer Research 2007; 67: 4157-4163
Ikeda M, Kakuyama M, Shoda T, Fukuda K
Enhancement of proopiomelanocortin gene promoter activity by local anesthetics in a pituitary cell line
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2007; 32: 60-66
Li X, Kimura H, Hirota K, Sugimoto H, Kimura N, Takahashi N, Fujii H, Yoshida H
Hypoxia reduces the expression and anti-inflammatory effects of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-r in human proximal renal tubular cells< br> Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2007; 22: 1041-1051
Mukaida K, Shichino T, Fukuda K
Nitrous oxide increases serotonin release in the rat spinal cord
Journal of Anesthesia 2007; 21: 433-435
Ikeda M, Kakuyama M, Shoda T, Iwasaki Y, Fukuda K
Potentiation of cyclic AMP-mediated proopiomelanocortin gene promoter activity by calcium channel blockers in a pituitary cell line
European Journal of Pharmacology 2007; 558: 1-6
意識のメカニズムと麻酔薬作用を解明する -機能的脳画像法によるアプローチ-
麻酔 2007; 56: S89-S98
臨床麻酔 2007; 31: 1637-1639
細胞の低酸素応答機構 -低酸素センサーをめぐる論争-
実験医学 2007; 25: 2120-2126
臨床麻酔 2007; 31: 972-977
プロポフォール投与時のBispectral Index変化モデルにおける至適パラメータの同定
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2007; 27: 358-366
Pharma Medica 2007; 25: 41-44
LiSA 2007; 14: 166-169
麻酔 2007; 56: 425-428
臨床麻酔 2007; 31: 1510-1512
手術に欠かせない臨床麻酔のスキル(古賀義久編) 2007; 82-91
Shirakami G, Teratani Y, Fukuda K
Nocturnal episodic hypoxemia after ambulatory breast cancer surgery: comparison of sevoflurane and propofol-fentanyl anesthesia
Journal of Anesthesia 2006; 20: 78-85
Tsukiyama F, Nakai Y, Yoshida M, Tokuhara T, Hirota K, Sakai A, Hayashi H, Katsumata T
Gallate, the component of HIF-inducing catechins, inhibits HIF propyl hydroxylase
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2006; 351: 234-239
Himukashi S, Takeshima H, Koyanagi S, Shichino T, Fukuda K
The involvement of the nociceptin receptor in the antinociceptive action of nitrous oxide
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2006; 103: 738-741
Iida H, Matsuura S, Shirakami G, Tanimoto K, Fukuda K
Differential effects of intravenous anesthetics on ciliary motility in cultured rat tracheal epithelial cells
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 2006; 53: 242-249
Shirakami G, Teratani Y, Segawa H, Matsuura S, Shichino T, Fukuda K
Omission of fentanyl during sevoflurane anesthesia decreases the incidences of postoperative nausea and vomiting and accelerates postanesthesia recovery in major breast cancer surgery
Journal of Anesthesia 2006; 20: 188-195
Hirota K, Semenza GL
Regulation of angiogenesis by hypoxia-inducible factor 1
Critical reviews in Oncology/Hematology 2006; 59: 15-26
Oda T, Hirota K, Nishi K, Takabuchi S, Oda S, Yamada H, Arai T, Fukuda K, Kita T, Adachi T, Semenza GL, Nohara R
Activation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 during macrophage differentiation
American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology 2006; 291: C104-C113
Yamada H, Arai T, Endo N, Yamashita K, Fukuda K, Sasada M, Uchiyama T
LPS-induced ROS generation and changes in glutathione level and their relation to the maturation of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
Life Sciences 2006; 78: 926-933
Matsuura S, Shirakami G, Iida H, Tanimoto K, Fukuda K
The effect of sevoflurane on ciliary motility in rat cultured tracheal epithelial cells: a comparison with isoflurane and halothane
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2006; 102: 1703-1708
麻酔 2006; 55: 988-991
ペインクリニック 2006; 27: 1518-1527
特定機能病院における日帰り手術部門(Day Surgery Unit)の原価分析と問題点について
病院管理 2006; 43: 37-49
日本医師会雑誌 2006; 135: 775-778
臨床麻酔 2006; 30: 767-773
臨床整形外科 2006; 41: 540-542
誌上抄読会 周術期無気肺について
臨床麻酔 2006; 30: 77-80
京都医学会雑誌 2006; 53: 1-2
低酸素センサー -細胞は低酸素をいかに関知するか-
Anesthesia Network 2006; 10: 11-15
日本集中治療医学会雑誌 2006; 13: 53-56
麻酔 2006; 55: 600-602
麻酔 2006; 55: 353-357
麻酔 2006; 55: 85-88
標準麻酔科学 第5版 (熊澤光生監修、弓削孟文、古家仁編) 2006; 52-57
標準麻酔科学 第5版 (熊澤光生監修、弓削孟文、古家仁編) 2006; 334-336
麻酔科診療プラクティス19 麻酔器・麻酔回路 (高崎眞弓、弓削孟文、稲田英一、岩崎寛編) 2006; 144-145
麻酔科診療プラクティス19 麻酔器・麻酔回路 (高崎眞弓、弓削孟文、稲田英一、岩崎寛編) 2006; 125
JSAリフレッシャーコース(2002-2004) メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2006; 306-311
術後痛 改訂第2版 2006; 140-151
Shirakami G, Teratani Y, Namba T, Hirakata H, Tazuke-Nishimura M, Fukuda K
Delayed discharge and acceptability of ambulatory surgery in adult outpatients receiving general anesthesia
Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 19: 93-101
Tanimoto K, Saito Y, Hamanaka I, Kuwahara K, Harada M, Takahashi N, Kawakami, R., Nakagawa Y, Nakanishi M, Adachi Y, Shirakami G, Fukuda K, Yoshimura A, Nakao K
SOCS1/JAB likely mediates the protective effect of cardiotrophin-1 against lipopolysaccharide-induced left ventricular dysfunction in vivo
Circulation Journal 2005; 69: 1412-1417
Hisano T, Namba T, Hashiguchi-Ikeda M, Itoh T, Hirota K, Fukuda K
Inhibition of E-selectin-mediated leukocyte adhesion by volatile anesthetics in a static condition
Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 19: 1-6
Nishi K, Hirota K, Takabuchi S, Oda S, Fukuda K, Adachi T, Shingu K
The effects of local anesthetics on the cellular hypoxia-induced gene responses mediated by hypoxia-inducible factor 1
Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 19: 54-59
Hirota K, Semenza GL
Regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 by prolyl and asparaginyl hydroxylases
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2005; 338: 610-616
Yamada H, Arai T, Endo N, Yamashita K, Nonogawa M, Makino K, Fukuda K, Sasada M, Uchiyama T
Photodynamic effects of a novel pterin derivative on a pancreatic cancer cell line
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2005; 333: 763-767
Takabuchi S, Hirota K, Oda S, Nishi K, Oda T, Shingu K, Adachi T, Fukuda K
Opioid receptor stimulation does not affect cellular hypoxia-induced gene responses mediated by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in cultured cell lines
Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 19: 263-265
Li X, Kimura H, Hirota K, Kasuno K, Torii K, Okada T, Kurooka H, Yokota Y, Yoshida H
Synergistic effect of hypoxia and TNF-α on production of PAI-1 in human proximal renal tubular cells
Kidney International 2005; 68: 569-583
Uetsuki N, Segawa H, Mayahara T, Fukuda K
The role of CRF1 receptors for sympathetic nervous response to laparotomy in anesthetized rats
Brain Research 2005; 1044:107-115
Himukashi S, Miyazaki Y, Takeshima H, Koyanagi S, Mukaida K, Shichino T, Uga H, Fukuda K
Nociceptin system does not affect MAC of volatile anaesthetics
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 2005; 49: 771-773
Ishii H, Arai T, Mori H, Yamada H, Endo N, Makino K, Fukuda K
Protective effects of intracellular reactive oxygen species generated by 6-formylpterin on tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptotic cell injury in cultured rat hetatocytes
Life Sciences 2005; 77: 858-868
Li X, Kimura H, Hirota K, Sugimoto H, Yoshida H
Hypoxia reduces constitutive and TNF-α-induced expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in human proximal renal tubular cells
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2005; 335: 1026-1034
Kurata J, Thulborn KR, Firestone LL
The cross-modal interaction between pain-related and saccade-related cerebral activation: a preliminary study by event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2005; 101: 449-456
人工心肺後の肝機能に対するホスホジエラスターゼⅢ 阻害薬の効果
臨床麻酔 2005; 29: 1595-1598
臨床麻酔 2005; 29: 1616-1620
腎間質線維化における低酸素と炎症性サイトカインの関与 -特にPAI-1, TIMP-1動態からの検討-
Pharma Medica 2005; 23: 97-99
麻酔 2005; 54: 1159-1161
Difficult Airway Management (DAM)第1回実践セミナーを実施して
麻酔 2005; 54: 557-562
ペインクリニック2005; 26: S103-S110
Office-based anesthesia -麻酔法の選択と安全性の確保
外科 2005; 67: 2-7
Anesthesia 21 Century 2005; 7: 1257-1265
日帰り麻酔手術における「全身の健康」の診査・診断 〈前編〉 患者情報収集の実際
The Quintessence 2005; 24: 1416-1425
日帰り麻酔手術における「全身の健康」の診査・診断 〈後編〉 手術実施の可否決定と具体的な問題
The Quintessence 2005; 24: 1660-1665
ペインクリニック2005; 26: 15-23
Anesthesia 21 Century 2005; 7: 1298-1301
Hirota K, Hara T, Hosoi S, Sasaki Y, Hara Y, Adachi T
Two cases of hyperkalemia after administration of hypertonic mannitol during craniotomy
Journal of Anesthesia 2005; 19: 75-77
臨床麻酔 2005; 29: 193-196
麻酔 2005; 54: 577
麻酔 2005; 54: 335
麻酔 2005; 54: 169-171
麻酔 2005; 54: 42-45
Fukuda K
Chapter 11. Intravenous opioid anesthetics
Miller’s Anesthesia 6th edition(Miller RD ed) 2005; 379-437
先端医療シリーズ 33 麻酔科の新しい流れ (後藤文夫、並木昭義、島田康弘編) 先端医療技術研究所2005; 237-241
先端医療シリーズ 33 麻酔科の新しい流れ (後藤文夫、並木昭義、島田康弘編) 先端医療技術研究所2005; 322-326
先端医療シリーズ 33 麻酔科の新しい流れ (後藤文夫、並木昭義、島田康弘編) 先端医療技術研究所 2005; 364-365
Guo Y, Einhorn L, Kelley M, Hirota K, Yodoi J, Reinbold R, Scholer H, Ramsey H, Hromas R
Redox regulation of the embryonic stem cell transcription factor Oct-4 by thioredoxin
Stem Cells 2004; 22: 259-264
Arai T, Yamada H, Namba T, Mori H, Ishii H, Yamashita K, Sasada M, Makino K, Fukuda K
Effects of intracellular reactive oxygen species generated by 6-formylpterin on T cell functions
Biochemical Pharmacology 2004; 67: 1185-1193
Takabuchi S, Hirota K, Nishi K, Oda S, Oda T, Shingu K, Takabayashi A, Adachi T, Semenza GL, Fukuda K
The intravenous anesthetic propofol inhibits hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activity in an oxygen tension-dependent manner
FEBS Letters 2004; 577: 434-438
Takabuchi S, Hirota K, Nishi K, Oda S, Oda T, Shingu T, Takabayashi A, Adachi T, Semenza GL, Fukuda K
The inhibitory effect of sodium nitroprusside on HIF-1 activation is not dependent on nitric oxide- soluble guanylyl cyclase pathway
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2004; 324: 417-423
Hirota K, Fukuda R, Takabuchi S, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Adachi T, Fukuda K, Semenza GL
Induction of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activity by muscarinic acetylcholine receptor signaling
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2004; 279: 41521-41528
Furutani E, Araki M, Kan S, Aung T, Onodera H, Imamura M, Shirakami G, Maetani S
An automatic control system of the blood pressure of patients under surgical operation
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems 2004; 2: 39-54
Kasuno K, Takabuchi S, Fukuda K, Kizaka-Kondoh S, Yodoi J, Adachi T, Semenza GL, Hirota K
Nitric oxide induces hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation that is dependent on MAPK and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2004; 279: 2550-2558
Itoh T, Hirota K, Hisano T, Namba T, Fukuda K
The volatile anesthetics halothane and isoflurane differentially modulate proinflammatory cytokine-induced p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase activation
Journal of Anesthesia 2004; 18: 203-209
臨床看護 2004; 30: 2177-2183
オピオイド鎮痛の分子メカニズム -オピオイド受容体複合体形成と受容体間相互作用
医学のあゆみ 2004; 211: 365-369
病態と病患からみたナトリウム利尿ペプチ ドショック
日本臨床 2004; 62: 121-123
The Winter Institute for Simulation, Education and Research (WISER)訪問記-DAM (Difficult airway management)コースに参加して-
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2004; 24: 370-374
臨床看護 2004; 30: 1298-1304
肝胆膵 2004; 48: 207-210
臨床麻酔 2004; 28: 265-267
新医療 2004; 2: 147-150
Anesthesia 21 Century 2004; 6: 34-38
吸入麻酔薬の作用機序 -機能的脳画像法による新知見-
Medical Gases 2004; 6: 35-36
麻酔 2004; 53: S162-S167
白神豪太郎、平方秀男、田附三佐子、福田和彦<br> 日帰り麻酔時の頻脈性不整脈に対しランジオロールが有用であった3症例
臨床麻酔2004; 28: 27-32
麻酔 2004; 53: 837
麻酔 2004; 53: 718-719
Nakamura H, Kondo N, Hirota K, Masutani H, Yodoi J
Thiols and Thioredoxin in Cellular Redox Control
Redox-genome interactions in health and disease Fuchs J Podda M, Packer L, editors. 2004; 61-77
麻酔科学スタンダード Ⅲ 基礎 (小川節郎、新宮興、武田純三、西野卓編) 2004; 256-266
麻酔科診療プラクティス 16 これだけは知っておきたい術後管理 (高崎眞弓、弓削孟文、稲田英一、岩崎寛編) 2004; 240-243
麻酔科診療プラクティス 13 モニタリングのすべて (高崎眞弓、弓削孟文、稲田英一、岩崎寛編) 2004; 218-220
心臓血管麻酔マニュアル (真下節、槇田浩史、野村実編) 2004; 27-29
特殊な場合における術後鎮痛 ③日帰り麻酔の術後鎮痛
最新術後痛 2004; 140-155
周術期輸液の最前線(宮尾秀樹編集)2004; 243-247
Fukuda K, Uetsuki N, Uga H, Hashiguchi M, Sato M, Hisano T, Segawa H, Iwasaki Y
Potentiation of proopiomelanocortin gene expression in cultured pituitary cells by benzodiazepines
Anesthesiology 2003; 98: 1172-1177
Nishioka M, Arai T, Yamashita K, Sasada M, Mori H, Ishii H, Tajima K, Makino K, Fukuda K
Effects of 6-formylpterin as an internal source of hydrogen peroxide on cell death of human peripheral blood leukocytes
Life Sciences 2003; 73: 221-231
Hashiguchi-Ikeda M, Namba T, Ishii M.T, Hisano T, Fukuda K
Halothane Inhibits an Intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ Cannel by Acting at the Extracellular Side of the Ionic Pore
Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 1340-1345
Sato M, Hirakata H, Ikeda M, Fukuda K
Effects of barbiturates on human platelet aggregation differ depending on their chemical structures
Anesthesiology 2003; 99: 1340-1345
Sato M, Hirakata H, Nakagawa T, Arai K, Fukuda K
Thiamylal and pentobarbital have opposite effects on human platelet aggregation in vitro
Anesth Analg 2003; 99: 1340-1345
Adachi T
Anesthetic principles in living-donor liver transplantation at Kyoto University Hospital : experiences of 760 cases
J Anesth 2003; 17: 116-124
Tsujikawa, H., Kurotaki, Y., Fujimori, T., Fukuda, K. and Nabeshima, Y
Klotho, a gene related to a syndrome resembling human premature aging, functions in a negative regulatory circuit of vitamin D endocrine system
Mol Endocrinol 2003; 17: 2393-2403
ペインクリニック 2003; 24: 39-46
麻酔 2003; 52: 264-267
現代医療 2003; 35: 100-104
医学の歩み 2003; 205: 639-644
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2003; 23: 132-136
重症 portopulmonary hypertension 患者に対する生体部分肝移植術の周術期管理
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2003; 52: 729-732
LiSA 2003; 10: 880-887
LiSA 2003; 10: 902-908
OPE NURSING 2003; 132-135
麻酔 2003; 52: 866-869
麻薬の耐性 —メカニズム研究
麻酔科診療プラクティス4癌性疼痛管理(高崎眞弓、弓削孟文、稲田英一、岩崎寛編) 2003; 46–47
麻酔管理に関連する受容体(大下修造編)2003; 103-108
麻酔科学スタンダードII臨床各論(小川節郎、新宮興、武田純三、西野卓編)2003; 347-353
Ishii H, Arai T, Segawa H, Morikawa S, Inubushi T, Fukuda K
Effects of propofol on lactate accumulation and oedema formation in focal cerebral ischaemia in hyperglycaemic rats
BJA 2002; 88: 412-417
Shichino T, Murakawa M, Adachi T, Miyazaki Y, Segawa H, Fukuda K, Mori K
Effects of xenon on acetylcholine release in the rat cerebral cortex in vivo
BJA 2002; 88: 866-868
Nakagawa T, Hirakata H, Sato M, Nakamura K, Hatano Y, Nakamura T, Fukuda K
Ketamine suppresses platelet aggregation possibly by suppressed inositol triphosphate formation and subsequent suppression of cytosolic calcium increase
Anesthesiology 2002; 96: 1147-1152
Fukuda K, Shoda T, Mima H, Uga H
Midazolam induces expression of c-Fos and ERG-1 by a non-GABAergic mechanism
Anesth Analg 2002; 95: 373-378
Furutani H, Zhang X, Iwamuro Y, Lee K,Okamoto Y, Takikawa O, Fukao M, Masaki T, Miwa S
Ca2+ entry channels involved in contractions oh rat aorta induced by Endotherin-1, Noradrenaline, and Vasopressin
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2002; 40: 265-276
Minami T, Adachi T, Fukuda K
An effective use of magnesium sulfate for intraoperative management of laparoscopic adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma in a pediatric patient
Anesth Analg 2002; 95: 1243-1244
臨床麻酔 2002; 3: 299-311
Day Surgery の麻酔方法
手術 2002; 56: 409-413
日本麻酔・薬理学会誌 2002; 14: 187-189
Paf/PSVT を伴う妊婦の無痛分娩管理の一例
分娩と麻酔 2002; 82: 17-20
デイ・サージャリー看護師の役割と業務 -京都大学医学部附属病院における実際-
外来看護新時代 2002; 7: 57-66
Quintessence Dental Implantology 2002; 9: 37-49
麻酔中頻脈に対する超短時間作用型β1遮断剤(MR5H3;塩酸エスモロール注)の臨床評価 -多施設共同オープン試験-
麻酔と蘇生 2002; 38: 131-144
臨床麻酔 2002; 26: 1797-1804
麻酔と蘇生 2002; 38: 215-218
看護技術 2002; 48: 4-10
臓器移植麻酔マニュアル(真下節編) 2002; 81-100
外科研修マニュアル(京都大学医学研究科外科学教室編) 2002; 331-338
標準麻酔科学 第4版(熊澤光生、弓削孟文、古家仁編) 2002; 55-60
標準麻酔科学 第4版(熊澤光生、弓削孟文、古家仁編) 2002; 337-341
神経生理 – 脳、脊髄、自律神経
臨床麻酔学全書(花岡一雄、真下節、福田和彦編) 2002; 108-131
Hirota K, Murata M, Itoh T, Yodoi J, Fukuda K
An endogenous redox molecule, thioredoxin, regulates transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor and activation of NF-κB by lysophosphatidic acid
FEBS Letters 2001; 489: 134-138
Arai T, Endo N, Yamashita K, Sasada M, Mori H, Ishii H, Hirota K, Makino K, Fukuda K
6-Formylpterin, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor, intracellularly generates reactive oxygen species involved in apoptosis and cell proliferation
Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2001; 30: 248-259
Hirota K, Murata M, Itoh T, Yodoi J, and Fukuda K
Redox-sensitive transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor by tumor necrosis factor confers the NF-κB activation
J. Biological Chem 2001; 276: 25953-25958
Akishita M, Shirakami G, Iwai M, Wu L, Aoki M, Zhang L, Toba K, Horiuchi M
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor restrains inflammation-induced vascular injury in mice
J. Hypertension 2001; 19: 1083-1088
Shoda T, Fukuda K, Uga H, Mima H, Morikawa H
Activation of μ-opioid receptor induces expression of c-fos and junB via mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade
Anesthesiology 2001; 95: 983-989
Yamashita K, Arai T, Fukuda K, Mori H, Ishii H, Nishioka M, Tajima K, Makino K, Sasada M
6-Formylpterin intracellularly generates hydrogen peroxide and restores the impaired bactericidal activity of human neutrophils
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun 2001; 289: 85-90
Ariyasu H, Takaya K, Tagami T, Ogawa Y, Hosoda K, Akamizu T, Suda M, Shirakami G, Nakao K et al
Stomach is a major source of circulating ghrelin, and feeding state determines plasma ghrelin-like immunoreactivity levels in humans
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2001; 86: 4753-4758
Kitamura R, Hirakata H, Okuda H, Sato M, Toda H, Nakamura K, Hatano Y, Urabe N, Fukuda K
Thiopental enhances human platelet aggregation by increasing arachidonic acid release
Can J. Physiol. Pharmacol 2001; 79: 854-860
Itoh T, Namba T, Fukuda T, Semenza G L, Hirota K
Reversible inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 activation by exposure of hypoxic exposure of hypoxic cells to the volatile anesthetic halothane
FEBS Letters 2001; 509: 225-229
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2001; 21: 79-82
日本集中治療医学会誌 2001; 8: 131-132
脳死肝移植の麻酔 -生体部分肝移植との比較-
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2001; 21: 244-246
臨床麻酔 2001; 臨時: 345-356
生体部分肝移植術の大量出血症例における急速輸血輸液加温装置(1000TM) の使用経験
臨床麻酔 2001; 25: 1013-1014
臨床麻酔 2001; 25: 1291-1292
臨床麻酔 2001; 25: 1291-1292
臨床麻酔 2001; 43: 409-412
日本小児麻酔学会誌 2001; 7: 253-254
日本医療ガス学会誌 2001; 3: 78-80
LiSA 2001; 8: 834-835
TEXT麻酔・蘇生学(土肥修司、澄川耕二編) 2001; 13-16
TEXT麻酔・蘇生学(土肥修司、澄川耕二編) 2001; 89-93
Namba T, Ishii TM, Ikeda M, Hisano T, Itoh T, Hirota K, Adelman JP, Fukuda K
Inhibition of the human intermediate conductance Ca2+-activated K+ Channel , hIK1, by volatile anesthetics
European Journal of Pharmacology 2000; 395: 95-101
Vinh VH, Enoki T, Hirata S, Toda H, Kakuyama M, Nakamura K, Fukuda K
Comparative contractile effects of halothane and sevoflurane in rat aorta
Anesthesiology 2000; 92: 219-227
Akishita M, Horiuchi M, Yamada H, Zhang I, Shirakami G, Tamura K, Ouchi Y, Dzau VJ
Inflammation influences vascular remodeling through AT2 receptor expression and signaling
Physiological Genomics 2000; 2: 13-20
Mori H, Arai T, Hirota K, Ishii H, Endo N, Makino K, Fukuda K
Effects of 6-formylpterin, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor and a superoxide scavenger, on production of nitric oxide in RAW 264.7 macrophages
Biochimica et Biophysuca Acta 2000; 1474: 93-99
Takeuchi J, Hirota K, Itoh T, Shinkura R, Kitada K, Yodoi J, Namba T, Fukuda K
Thioredoxin inhibits tumor necrosis factor – or interleukin-1-induced NF-kB activation at a level upstream of NF-kB-inducing kinase
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 2000; 2: 83-92
Mousa WF, Enoki T, Fukuda K
Thiopental induces contraction of rat aortic smooth muscle through Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2000; 91: 62-67
Hamanaka I, Saito Y, Nishikimi T, Magaribuchi T, Shirakami G, et al.
Effects of cardiotrophin-1 hemodynamics and endocrine function of the heart
American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2000; 279: 388-396
Kakuyama M, Toda H, Osawa M, Fukuda K
The bilateral effect of stellate ganglion block on the facial skin blood flow
Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2000; 25: 389-392
Hirota K, Matsui M, Murata M, Takashima Y, Cheng FS, Itoh T, Fukuda K, Yodoi Y
Nucleoredoxin, glutaredoxin, and thioredoxin differentially regulate NF-κB, AP-1, and CREB activation in HEK293 cells
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2000; 274: 177-182
Adachi T, Oda Y, Furutani H, Segawa H, Fukuda K
Myocardial ischemia due to paradoxical air embolism during living-related donor liver transplantation in a child
Journal of Anesthesia 2000; 14: 151-153
Li D, Shirakami G, Zhan X, Jhons RA
Regulation of ciliary beat frequency by Nitric Oxide-Cyclic Guanosine monophosphate signaling pathway in rat airway epithelial cells
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. Cell Mol. Biol. 2000; 23: 175-181
Shirakami G, Li D, Zhan X, Jhons RA
Propofol stimulates ciliary motility via the Nitric Oxide-Cyclic GMP pathway in cultured rat tracheal epithelial cells
Anesthesiology 2000; 93: 482-488
Shinomura T, del Rio E, Breen KC, Downes CP, McLaughlin
Activation oAnesthesiologyf phospholipase D by metabotropic glutamate receptor agonists in rat cerebrocortical synaptosomes
British Journal of Pharmacology 2000; 131: 1011-1018
Adachi T, Segawa H. Furutani H, Fukuda K
Anaesthesia for living-donor liver transplantation
Current Anaesthesia & Critical Care 2000; 11: 320-325
Kakuyama M, Fukuda K
The role of antidepressants in the treatment of chronic pain
Pain Reviews 2000; 7: 119-128
小腸移植の麻酔・周術期管理 -生体小腸移植の経験から-
臨床麻酔 2000; 24: 507-512
戸田 寛、篠村徹太郎、榎泰二郎、土屋尚久、福田和彦
臨床麻酔 2000; 24: 739-740
臨床麻酔 2000; 24: 587-8
臨床麻酔 2000; 24: 979-986
Anet 2000; 4: 19-21
麻酔 2000; 49: 788-791
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 2000; 20: 598-600
文献抄訳:Receptor for the Pain Modulatory Neuropeptides FF and AF Is an Orphan G Protein coupled Receptor
ペインクリニック 2000; 21: 1217
麻酔 2000; 9: 1374-1376
医学のあゆみ 2000; 601-604
麻酔とmolecular biology
日本麻酔・薬理学会誌 2000; 12: 22-25
足立 健彦(妙中信之編)
Medicus K.K. 2000; 25-27
Morikawa H, Mima H, Uga H, Shoda T, Fukuda K
Opioid potentiation of N-type Ca2+ channel currents via pertussis-toxin-sensitive G proteins in NG108-15 cells
Pflügers Archiv – European Journal of Physiology 1999; 438: 423-426
Adachi T, Murakawa M, Uetsuki N, Segawa H
Living related donor liver transplantation in a patient with severe aortic stenosis
British journal of anaesthesia 1999; 83: 488-490
Shinomura T, Nakao S, Adachi T, Shingu K
Clonidine inhibits and phorbol acetate activates glutamate release from rat spinal synaptoneurosomes
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1999; 88: 1401-1405
Miyazaki Y, Adachi T, Utsumi J, Shichino T, Segawa H
Xenon has greater inhibitory effects on spinal dorsal horn neurons than nitrous oxide in spinal cord transected cats
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1999; 88: 893-897
Miyazaki Y, Adachi T, Kurata J, Utsumi J, Shichino T, Segawa H
Dexmedetomidine reduces seizure threshold during enflurane anaesthesia in cats
British journal of anaesthesia 1999; 82: 935-937
Kakuyama M, Nakamura K, Mori K
Halothane decreases calcium sensitivity of rat aortic smooth muscle
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 1999; 46: 1164-1171
Mori H, Arai T, Ishii H, Endo N, Suzuki T, Fukuda K
Pterin-6-aldehyde, xanthine oxidase inhibitor and superoxide scavenger, directly react with peroxynitrite
Pteridines 1999; 10: 32-34
Hirakata H, Nakamura K, Yokubol B, Toda H, Hatano Y, Urabe N, Mori K
Anesthesiology 1999; 91: 1361-1369
Yokubol B, Hirakata H, Nakamura K, Sai S, Okuda H, Hatano Y, Urabe N, Mori K
Journal of Anesthesia 1999; 13: 193-196
Adachi T, Fukumoto M, Uetsuki N, Yasui O, Hayashi M
Suspected severe methemoglobinemia caused by topical application of an ointment containing benzocaine around the enterostormy
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1999; 88: 1187-1194
Onodera H, Maetani S, Aung T, Kan A, Sakamoto T, Shirakami G, Imamura M et al
Clinical application of a blood pressure autoregulation system during hypotensive anesthesia
World Journal of Surgery 1999; 23: 1258-1263
Kakuyama M, Ahluwalia A, Rodrogo J, Vallance P
Cholinergic contraction is altered in nNOS knockouts Cooperative modulation of neural bronchoconstriction by nNOS and COX
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1999; 160: 2072-2078
Kakuyama M, Toda H, Osawa M, Fukuda K
An adverse effect of carboxymethylcellulose in lidocaine jelly
Anesthesiology 1999; 91: 1969
Morikawa S, nubushi T, Ishii H, Nakasu Y
Effects of blood sugar level on rat transient focal brain ischemia consecutively observed by diffusion-weighted EPI and 1H echo planar spectroscopic imaging
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1999; 42: 895-902
Miwa S, Iwamuro Y, Zhang X, Enoki T, Okamoto Y, Okazawa M, Masaki T
Ca2+ entry channels in rat thoracic aortic smooth muscle cells activated by endothelin-1
Japanese Journal of Pharmacology 1999; 80: 281-288
Iwamuro Y, Miwa S, Zhang X, Minowa T, Enoki T, Okamoto Y, Furutani H, Masaki T et al
Activation of three types of voltage-independent Ca2+ channel in A7r5 cells by endothelin-1 as revealed by a novel Ca2+ channel blocker LOE 908
British Journal of Pharmacology 1999; 126: 1107-1114
Zhang X, Iwamuro Y, Enoki T, Okazawa M, Lee K, Komuro T, Furutani H, Masaki T et al
Pharmacological characterization of Ca2+ entry channels in endothelin-1-induced contraction of rat aorta using LOE 908 and SK&F 96365
British Journal of Pharmacology 1999; 127: 1388-1398
Lee K, Morita H, Iwamuro Y, X. Zhang, Okamoto Y, Nakagawa T, Hasegawa H, Furutani H, Masaki T et al
Pharmacological characterization of receptor-mediated Ca2+ entry in endothelin-1-induced catecholamine release from cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 1999; 360: 616-622
日本輸血学会誌 1999; 45: 815-816
大澤正巳、戸田 寛
BRAIN NURSING 1999; 15: 20-23
集中治療 1999; 11: 697-702
臨床麻酔 1999; 23: 1633-1634
麻酔と蘇生 1999; 35: 155-157
麻酔 1999; 48: 162-167
ペインクリニック 1999; 20: 629
臨床麻酔 1999; 23: 1255-1262
Morikawa S, Inubusshi T, Ishii H
Diffusion- weighted EPI and 1H echo planar spectroscopic imaging studies of rat transient middle cerebral artery occlusion model
Ultra magnetic resonance imaging in medicine 1999; 209-212
石井久成、荒井俊之、杉山 正敏
病態生理からみた服薬指導の実際(北澤 式文、上能伊公雄、立山一郎編) 1999; 201-213
Morikawa H, Fukuda K, Mima H, Shoda T, Kato S, Mori K
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors suppress N-type and T-type Ca2+ channel currents in NG108-15 cells
Pflügers Archiv – European Journal of Physiology 1998; 436: 127-132
Morikawa H, Fukuda K, Mima H, Shoda T, Kato S, Mori K
Nociceptin receptor-mediated Ca2+ channel inhibition and its desensitization in NG108-15 cells
European Journal of Pharmacology 1998; 351: 247-252
Fukuda K, Kato S, Shoda T, Morikawa H, Mima H, Mori K
Partial agonistic activity of naloxone on the opioid receptor expressed from complementary deoxyribonucleic acids in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1998; 87: 450-455
Morikawa H, Fukuda K, Mima H, Shoda T, Kato S, Mori K
Desensitization and resensitization of δ-opioid receptor-mediated Ca2+ channel inhibition in NG108-15 cells
British Journal of Pharmacology 1998; 123: 1111-1118
Fukuda K, Shoda T, Morikawa H, Kato S, Mima H, Mori K
Activation of phospholipase A2 by the nociceptin receptor expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Journal of Neurochemistry 1998; 71: 2186-2191
Segawa H, Mori K, Murakawa M, Kasai K, Shirakami G, Adachi T, Arai T
Isoflurane and sevoflurane augment norepinephrine responses to surgical noxious stimulation in human
Anesthesiology 1998; 89: 1407-1413
Arai T, Nakao S, Morikawa S, Inubushi T, Yokoi T, Shimizu K, Mori K
Measurement of local cerebral blood flow by magnetic resonance imaging: In vivo autoradiographic strategy using 17O-labeled water
Brain Research Bulletin 1998; 45: 451-456
Arai T, Mori H, Ishii H, Suzuki T, Kojima S, Mori K
Auto-oxidation of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydroneopterin
Pteridines 1998; 9: 26-28
Arai T, Mori H, Ishii H, Adachi T, Endo N, Makino K, Mori K
Oxypurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor and a superoxide scavenger, did not attenuate ischemic neuronal damage in gerbils
Life Sci 1998; 63: 107-112
Shichino T, Murakawa M, Adachi T, Arai T, Miyazaki Y, Mori K
Effects of inhalation anaesthetics on the release of acetylcholine in the rat cerebral cortex in vivo
British Journal of Anaesthesia 1998; 80: 365-370
Kato S, Fukuda K, Morikawa H, Shoda T, Mima H, Mori K
Adaptation to chronic agonist exposure of μ-opioid receptor-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells
European Journal of Pharmacology 1998; 345: 221-228
Kitoh K, Kato H, Shibata M, Adachi T, Nakao S, Mori K
The effects of varied doses of epinephrine on duration of lidocaine spinal anesthesia in the thoracic and lumbosacral dermatomes
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1998; 86: 1018-1022
Utsumi J, Adachi T, Kurata J, Miyazaki Y, Shibata M, Murakawa M, Arai T, Mori K
Effect of xenon on central nervous system electrical activity during sevoflurane anaesthesia in cats: comparison with nitrous oxide
British Journal of Anaesthesia 1998; 80: 628-633
Hirata S, Enoki T, Kitamura R, Vinh VH, Nakamura K, Mori K
Effects of isoflurane on receptor-operated Ca2+ channels in rat aortic smooth muscle
British Journal of Anaesthesia 1998; 81: 578-583
Ishii H, Arai T, Morikawa S, Inubushi T, Tooyama I, Kimura H, Mori K
Evaluation of Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Rats by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Immunohistochemical Analyses
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 1998; 18: 931-934
Kim SO, Toda H, Nakamura K, Miyawaki I, Hirakata H, Hirata S, Mori K
Thiopental attenuates relaxation and cyclic GMP production in vascular smooth muscle of endotoxin-treated rat aorta, independent of nitric oxide production
British Journal of Anaesthesia 1998; 81: 601-602
Toda H, Su JY
Mechanisms of isoflurane-increased submaximum Ca2+-activated force in rabbit skinned femoral arterial strips
Anesthesiology 1998; 89: 731-740
Mori H, Arai T, Ishii H, Adachi T, Endo N, Makino K, Mori K
Neuroprotective effects of pterin-6-aldehyde in gerbil global brain ischemia: comparison with those of α-phenyl-N-tert-butyl nitrone
Neuroscience Letters 1998; 241: 99-102
Hasegawa S, Terada Y, Murakawa M, Arai T, Mori K
Emergency bronchoscopy
Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology 1998; 5: 284-287
Morikawa S, Inubushi T, Takahashi K, Ishii H, Ozawa K
Gluconeogenesis and Phosphoenergetics in Rat Liver during Endotoxemia
Journal of Surgical Research 1998; 74: 179-186
Kakuyama M, Vallance P, Ahluwalia A
Endothelium-dependent sensory NANC vasodilatation: involvement of ATP, CGRP and a possible NO store
British Journal of Pharmacology 1998; 123: 310-316
Iwamuro Y, Miwa S, Minowa T, Enoki T, Zhang X-F, Ishikawa M, Hashimoto N, Masaki T
Activation of two types of Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channel by endothelin-1 in A7r5 cells
British Journal of Pharmacology 1998; 124: 1541-1549
Kondo M, Nomura R, Enoki T
A simple device to prevent back flow of blood into the intravenous line (letter)
Anesthesiology 1998; 88: 1693
Osawa M, Shinomura T
Compound A concentration is decreased by cooling anaesthetic circuit during low-flow sevoflurane anaesthesia
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 1998; 45: 1215-1218
Tsuura Y, Ishida H, Shinomura T, Nishimura M, Seino Y
Endogenous Nitric Oxide Inhibits Glucose-Induced Insulin Secretion by Suppression of Phosphofructokinase Activity in Pancreatic Islets
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1998; 252: 34-38
del Rio E, Shinomura T, van der Kaay J, Nicholls DG, Downes CP
Disruption by lithium of phosphoinositide signaling in cerebellar granule cells in primary culture
Journal of Neurochemistry 1998; 70: 1662-1669
Furukawa T, Nukada T, Mori Y, Wakamori M, Fujita Y, Ishida H, Fukuda K, Kato S, Yoshii M
Differential interactions of the C terminus and the cytoplasmic Ⅰ-Ⅱ loop of neuronal Ca2+ channels with G-protein α and βγ Subunits
Journal of Biological Chemistryy 1998; 273: 17585-17594
麻酔 1998; 47: S109-112
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 1998; 18: 468-475
平田眞一、武内順子、加藤茂久、戸田 寛、大澤正巳
持続注入ポンプ(クーデック シリンジェクターTM)の流量変化と充填時圧変化
ペインクリニック 1998; 19: 925-926
ペインクリニック 1998; 8: 1221-1222
循環制御 1998; 8: 20-24
臨床麻酔 1998; 22: 249-250
倉田二郎、菅原雅美、田附三佐子、藤田尚、三島誠悟、梁 勉
臨床麻酔 1998; 22: 1177-1178
Mori K, Segawa H
Why TIVA now
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 3-9
Kurata J, Sugahara M, Mukaida K, Mishima S
High spinal anesthesia increases the sensitivity to the soporific effects of propofol in humans
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 165-166
Mukaida K, Kurata J, Harioka T, Sugahara M, Nomura K, Yamashita Y, Mishima S
Perioperative Mood Alterations and Dreaming: Propofol versus Sevoflurane-Nitrous Oxide
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 209-210
Sugahara M, Kurata J, Mukaida K, Mishima S
General Anesthesia with Propofol and Fentanyl for Adult Cardiac Surgery
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 177-178
Shichino T, Murakawa M, Adachi T, Miyazaki Y, Mori K
Effects of intravenous anesthetics on in vivo release of acetylcholine in the rat cerebral cortex
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 263-264
Miyazaki Y, Adachi T, Mori K, Utsumi J
The effects of dexmedetomidine on central nervous system electrical activity and seizure threshold in cats
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 319-320
Shoda T, Fukuda K, Kato S, Morikawa H, Mima H, Mori K
Adaptive cellular responses induced by chronic agonist treatment of the nociceptin receptor-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells
New Balanced Anesthesia 1998; 323-324
Adachi T, Mori K
Nitric Oxide and anaesthesia
Emerging Technologies in Anaesthesia 1998; 45-52
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1998; 62-63
Watanabe K, Arai T, Mori H, Nakao S, Suzuki T, Tajima K, Makino K, Mori K
Pterin-6-aldehyde, an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase, has superoxide anion radical scavenging activity
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1997; 233: 447-450
Mima H, Morikawa H, Fukuda K, Kato S, Shoda T, Mori K
Ca2+ channel inhibition by endomorphins via the cloned μ-opioid receptor expressed in NG108-15 cells
European Journal of Pharmacology 1997; 340: R1-R2
Namba T, Nakao S, Mori K
Pulmonary aspiration during induction of general anesthesia in a postesophagectomy patient
Jouranl of Anesthesia 1997; 11: 80-81
Shichino T, Murakawa M, Adachi T, Kurata J and Mori K
Effects of isoflurane in in vivo release of acetylcholine in the rat cerebral cortex and striatum
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1997; 41: 1335-1340
Hirakata H, Nakamura K, Sai S, Okuda H, Hatano Y, Urabe N, Mori K
Platelet aggregation is impaired during anaesthesia with sevoflurane but not with isoflurane
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 1997; 44: 1157-1161
Shirakami G, Segawa H, Shingu K, Saito Y, Magaribuchi T, Nakao K, Mori K
The effects of atrial natriuretic peptide infusion on hemodynamic, renal, and hormonal responses during gastrectomy
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1997; 85: 907-912
Utsumi J, Adachi T, Miyazaki Y, Kutrata J, Shibata M, Murakawa M, Arai T and Mori K
The effect of xenon on spinal dorsal horn neurons :A comparison with nitrous oxide
Anesthesia & Analgesia 1997; 84: 1372-1376
Miyawaki I, Nakamura K, Yokubol B, Kitamura R, Mori K
Suppression of cyclic guanosine monophosphate formation in rat cerebellar slices by propofol, ketamine and midazolam
Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 1997; 44: 1301-1307
Minamoto Y, Nakamura K, Toda H, Miyawaki I, Kitamura R, Vinh VH, Hatano Y, Mori K
Suppression of acetylcholine-induced relaxation by local anesthetics and vascular NO-cyclic GMP system
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1997; 41: 1054-1060
Hirakata H, Nakamura K
Platelet aggregation inhibited by Sevoflurane, or by Ethanol?
Anesthesiology 1997; 87: 1016-1017
Ikeda T, Matsuda K, Itoh H, Shirakami G, Miyamoto Y, Yoshimasa T, Nakao K, Ban T
Plasma levels of brain and atrial natriuretic peptides elevate in proportion to left ventricular end-systolic wall stress in patients with aortic stenosis
American Heart Journal 1997; 133: 307-314
Morikawa S, Inubushi T, Takahashi K, Shigemori S, Ishii H
Relationship between Gluconeogenesis and Phosphoenergetics in Rat Liver Assessed by In vivo ¹³C and ³¹P NMR Spectroscopy
NMR Biomed 1997;
Yamamoto M, Hatano Y, Kakuyama M, Tachibana T, Maeda H, Mori K
Different Effects of halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane on sarcoplasmic reticulum of vascular smooth muscle in dog mesenteric artery
Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 1997;
Komuro T, Miwa S, Zhang X, Minowa T, Enoki T, Furutani H, Hasegawa H, Kikuchi H, Masaki T et al
Physiological role of Ca2+ -permeable nonselective cation channel in endothelin-1-induced contraction of rabbit aorta
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 1997;
Minowa T, Miwa S, Kobayashi S, Enoki T, Zhang X, Komuro T, Iwamuro Y, Masaki T
Inhibitory effect of nitrovasodilators and cyclic GMP on ET-1-activated Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channel in rat aortic smooth muscle cells
British Journal of Pharmacology 1997;
Takahashi H, Honjo I, Naito Y, Miura M, Tanabe M, Hasebe S, Toda H
Gas exchange function through the mastoid mucosa in ears after surgery
Laryngoscope 1997;
日本臨床麻酔学会誌 1997; 17 :510-516
麻酔 1997; 46: 83-86
坂本忠弘, 古谷栄光, 小野寺久, 韓秀 , 白神豪太郎, 荒木光彦, 前谷俊三, 森健次郎, 今村正之
人工臓器 1997; 26: 184-189
臨床麻酔 1997; 21: 1565-1571
麻酔と蘇生 1997; 33: 235-237
武内順子、大澤正巳、篠村徹太郎、中尾慎一、戸田 寛、森健次郎
ペインクリニック 1997; 18: 370-372
田附三佐子、村川雅洋、中尾慎一、向田公美子、戸田 寛、森健次郎
麻酔 1997; 46: 783-787
麻酔 1997; 46: 90-94
Laryngotr acheoesophageal cleftの麻酔経験
麻酔 1997; 46: 1090-1093
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 58-59
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 118-119
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 186-187
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 188-189
~周術期患者管理~ 常備薬品
手術室で働く人のための手術医学テキスト(小林寛伊監修、新太喜治、大久保憲ほか編) 1997; 210-211
~周術期患者管理~ 常備薬品
手術室で働く人のための手術医学テキスト(小林寛伊監修、新太喜治、大久保憲ほか編) 1997; 210-211
~周術期患者管理~ 体温管理
手術室で働く人のための手術医学テキスト(小林寛伊監修、新太喜治、大久保憲ほか編) 1997; 206-207
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 34-37
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 18-19
ハイリスク麻酔ハンドブック(森健次郎、高橋成輔、島田康弘編) 1997; 28-29